What They Told
Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Generic Congressional Ballot: Democrats 40%, Republicans 39%
26% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction
28% Rate U.S. Economy Good or Excellent
It’s disconnect time between Americans and their government once again.
Voters continue to believe that cutting government spending and taxes
are the best presents the federal government can give the economy this
holiday season. Instead, Congress is on the brink of passing a
$1.1 trillion budget that does neither.
Most voters have said in surveys for years that controlling the border
to stop illegal immigration should come before any steps putting those
already here illegally on the path to citizenship. Instead, President
Obama on his own has exempted up to five million illegal immigrants
from deportation, and so far there doesn’t appear to be much Congress
can do about it.
The majority opposes the president taking action on immigration issues
without Congress, perhaps in part because many don’t believe he is as
interested as they are in stopping illegal immigration. Voters
are closely divided over whether their state should join the 17 states
now suing the Obama administration over the president’s action.
Voters weren’t clamoring for a report on CIA interrogation methods
either, but the Senate Intelligence Committee released one anyway this
week. Some in the national security community warned against making the
results of the Senate investigation public, saying it's likely to cause
reprisal attacks against Americans overseas. Voters strongly believe it
would have been better for Congress to keep the Central Intelligence
Agency’s interrogation methods a secret if the disclosures put the
American public at risk...
Read the rest of the article at Rasmussen