Bluebag Media
FFA, 4-H has
impact on urban schools
GREENVILLE – “It isn’t about agriculture,” said Ohio Representative Jim
Buchy. “Maybe someday you’ll be president of Proctor and Gamble… this
is about leadership and character.” Buchy provided members and guests
of Kiwanis of Greenville with an update on efforts in Columbus and how
they are impacting Ohio, including the southwest.
A focal point of his presentation on July 8, however, was how two
programs with which Darke County is familiar are being used to improve
urban schools, specifically in Cleveland and Cincinnati. One high
school and one elementary school in each of the cities have introduced
4-H and FFA programs.
“After the first year, schools have better attendance, less discipline
problems and kids are excited,” Buchy said. “In Cleveland there were 43
kids wearing blue and gold FFA jackets. We look for more than 90 kids
this year.” He added every student at Washington Carver Elementary in
Cleveland is engaged in either 4-H or FFA on a weekly basis.
This is from a report from Ohio State University’s “Agri-science in the
City” program after its first year. The intention of the program is to
expose young people to the values and knowledge of agriculture...
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