Bluebag Media
Edison DCC Dean
outlines future for the campus
GREENVILLE – “There are tons of opportunities with businesses expanding
in Darke County,” said Edison Darke County Campus Dean Chad
Beanblossom. While Workforce training and development is just one area
of focus of the campus, Beanblossom anticipates it will likely provide
the major growth opportunity in the next decade.
Beanblossom talked to members and guests at the Sept. 9 meeting of
Kiwanis of Greenville about his vision for the future as the recently
appointed Dean of the campus. He was hired eight months earlier as its
Executive Director, however his recent appointment as Dean means he
works directly with the new President of Edison Community College, Dr.
Doreen Larson. Larson has expressed interest in focusing more on the
local campus.
“We will continue to serve credit and degree-seeking students as we
have in the past,” he said. “Workforce training and development has not
been a focus before but will be now.” He noted these typically won’t be
degree programs; their goal will be more for training than credit.
Anticipated fields of interest in Darke County would be manufacturing,
health care and agriculture.
In another area, high school student enrollment has more than doubled,
jumping to 400 students with 2,456 credits thanks to the new
state-mandated College Credit Plus program. This is compared to 181
students for 1,464 credits under the previous PSEOP program. CCP also
expands the grade levels for participation. PSEOP students were
typically juniors and seniors...
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