Bluebag Media
Probation gets
new tools as drug challenges continue
GREENVILLE – The Darke County Adult Probation Office currently has 427
individuals on probation, up about 10 percent from the previous
January. Most have been convicted of drug and property crimes,
approximately 70 percent. “They go hand in hand,” said Chief Probation
Officer James Mollette.
“Fortunately we don’t have that percentage with violent and/or sex
crimes,” he added. That number is about 20 percent. The remaining 10
percent are considered “catch-all”… non-support, failure to appear,
protection orders. In addition the office deals with about 50 (plus or
minus at any given time) pre-trial investigations.
The drug problem goes far beyond Darke County. “It isn’t just us,”
Mollette said. “It’s across Ohio. It’s across the country.” At the same
time, Darke County has some new tools to deal with the issue...
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