The Workers for Us All
From Doug Steinbrunner
Darke S.W.C.D.
Pollinators are responsible for the pollination of over 90 plants that
we eat every days. They may be the raw fruits and vegetables to
supplements we take on a daily basis. Even though honey bees are the
first, and sometimes the only insect that people think about when they
hear of pollinators, there are hundreds of other species that
contribute as well.
The Darke County Pheasants Forever Chapter has recently made a major
effort, through billboards, habitat workshops, and especially local
habitat establishment projects to do their part in creating this type
of pollinator habitat. This habitat not only attracts bees and
butterflies, but also helps upland game birds in providing cover and a
protein source for young chicks in their development.
There has been recorded declines in pollinator species as far back as
1947. Plants that depend on pollination make up 35 percent of global
crop production volume with a value of as much as $577 billion a year.
The agricultural system, for which pollinators play a key role, creates
millions of jobs worldwide.
The Ohio Department of Agriculture, Ohio Division of Wildlife, Ohio
Department of Natural Resources and other groups promoting pollinator
species would like to enlist your help in planting pollinator loving
plants for the sake of future generations.
For more information on how you can help contact your local Soil and
Water Conservation District. The Darke Soil and Water District can be
contacted by calling 937- 548 – 1752 or through our website at
darkeswcd.com. The Darke County Pheasants Forever Chapter also has a
website and Facebook page for additional information.
The time to act is now, before it’s too late.