Darke SWCD
Guidelines for
Summer Stockpiling
If you are considering stockpiling manure this summer, choosing the
right location and following best management practices can decrease the
chance of polluting waters of the state. Please note, stockpiling is
not a substitute for adequate manure storage, but can be used when
conditions are not suitable for land application.
Manure stockpiles must be solid manure with bedding (minimum of 20%
solids) or dry poultry manure and should be located in or near the
field that the manure is to be applied. Stockpiles cannot be
stored for more than 8 months. It is recommended that a 100-foot
temporary vegetative buffer be placed around the pile if the manure
will be stockpiled for more than 4 months. Also consider covering the
manure, to minimize leachate from rainfall or snow.
The stockpile should be located on soils that are deep to bedrock
(greater than 40 inches) and not on soils with rapid or very rapid
permeability. They should not be located in areas that occasionally or
frequently flood, on hydric soils or on slopes greater than 6%.
Recommended minimum setback distances for manure stockpiles include:
75 ft. from overhead or buried utilities
500 ft. from residences
300 ft. from private wells
300 ft. from ponds and lakes
300 ft. from streams, grassed waterways, and field surface drains
300 ft. from tile inlet or broken tile
1500 ft. from any public surface drinking water intakes.
Stockpiles should be inspected after rain events of ½-inch or more to
check for leachate ponding or runoff. They should also be monitored for
flies, beetles and other pests if stored longer than one week.
Records should be kept for each stockpile and include:
Location map of the stockpile
Date and volume of stockpile
Nitrogen & phosphorus content of the manure
Date(s) the stockpile was inspected (after rainfall and for pests)
Date stockpile was land applied and the number of acres applied to
After the manure stockpile has been removed from the field, consider
planting a vegetative cover on the site to recycle the nutrients left
if site conditions allow. Also, for cropland areas, it is recommended
that the same site not be used again to stockpile manure for at least
one full growing season.
Manure stockpile requirements are defined in the Natural Resources
Conservation Service (NRCS) Waste Utilization Standard 633 available at
www.darkeswcd.com. Please note, other regulations may apply to manure
originating from ODA permitted facilities or handled by ODA certified
livestock managers. For more information on manure management, please
contact the Darke SWCD office at 937.548.1752.