State Representative Stephen Huffman
“The Down Syndrome
Non-Discrimination Act” Delivered to Governor
As the chair of the House Health Committee and co-sponsor of “The Down
Syndrome Non-Discrimination Act,” it was my pleasure to work with
Representatives Sarah LaTourette and Derek Merrin to pass this
important piece of legislation. The passage of this act, House Bill
214, through both the House and the Senate is a step closer towards
ending discriminatory abortions based off of a Down Syndrome diagnosis.
This act will prohibit a person from performing, inducing, or
attempting to perform or induce an abortion on a pregnant woman who is
seeking the abortion because an unborn child has or may have Down
Syndrome. Violation of the statute is a fourth-degree felony and would
result in the State Medical Board revoking a physician’s license. A
physician would also be liable for compensation to any person who
sustains injury, death, or loss from the prohibited abortion. The
legislation grants criminal immunity for a pregnant woman on whom it
was performed.
My chairmanship allowed me to work closely on the bill and ultimately
help secure the bill’s referral to the House floor. Both House Bill 214
and the Senate companion bill, Senate Bill 164, successfully passed
through the House Health Committee. I was proud to vote in favor of the
legislation alongside an overwhelming majority of my colleagues. This
act resembles similar efforts in other states to prevent discriminatory
abortions based off of genetic disorders. Its passage proves Ohio
is dedicated to protecting each individual’s right to life.
Every life is equally valuable and full of potential, regardless of a
test result received during prenatal screenings. These unborn children
have the right to fulfill this potential without the opportunity being
taken away before they are born. Deciding to abort an unborn baby
diagnosed with Down Syndrome is discriminatory and ignores the plethora
of other options available. Now that the bill has passed through the
General Assembly, it is waiting to be considered by the Governor, and I
am hopeful for his signature.