Coates is pictured with Darke County Fair Board President
Brian Rismiller at his retirement in November 2016.
Ohio Department of Agriculture
Local resident
honored for support of fair
REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio (Jan. 27, 2017) – Kenneth A. Coates, Sr., retired
Head Caretaker of the Great Darke County Fair, is among 45 individuals
or organizations that were recently recognized at the 92nd Ohio Fair
Managers Association annual convention at the Greater Columbus
Convention Center for outstanding service to their local fairs.
Ohio’s 94 county and independent fairs and the Ohio State Fair support
the local economy and help educate the public about the importance of
agriculture and the many necessities it provides, including food,
clothing, shelter, fuel and energy. In addition to setting and
approving the dates for the independent and county fairs, the
department is responsible for helping to assure the safety of amusement
rides, for monitoring livestock shows to help assure honest
competition, and for coordinating animal health efforts with designated
local veterinarians.
For more information on Ohio’s fairs, including a listing of fair dates
for the 2017 season, visit www.agri.ohio.gov.