senior scribes

New technology runs background checks for school visitors
By Shaun Hegarty
PERRYSBURG, Ohio (WTVG) - It's the newest way to make sure your kids stay safe in school by getting a better handle on who's in the building and what their background is.

New equipment can quickly identify any red flags on the person trying to walk into your child's building. It’s helping with a basic question: Should that person be there and should they be allowed in?

With the scan of your driver's license, school administrators will soon have a better idea of who's coming into the building and who should not.

It’s called the School Gate Guardian System. The system scans the driver's license and runs that person through the criminal and sex offender database. If it checks out, you receive a photo badge

It lists when the person arrived and the reason they are there.

"Those are important factors because sometimes you'll see parents or other folks just roaming around school buildings and who knows why they are there," said Nicholas Saul of Perry ProTech.

People could also be flagged over custody issues. If they're not supposed to be in the building then the staff inside will know quickly and know how to act. If needed these machines can even contact police.

"When the students are there in the classroom during school hours I think that is the biggest liability schools face. Why are they there? What are they there for? Should they be there?" said Saul.

This system is in operation and Saul says several area schools are already looking to implement it.

When the system runs a criminal background check, we're told it's looking for felonies. Having a felony does not mean you have to stay out of a school but it gives the school staff an idea of who is in the building and if that person needs an extra set of eyes when they are inside.

senior scribes

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