OSU Education
Winter has seen wild
swings in the weather
Jim Noel
The winter has seen wild swings in the weather and climate from cold to
warm to cold.
The outlook for February calls for this wild swing pattern to continue
with periods of cold and mild along with periods of wet, snow and dry.
The end result should be temperatures slightly colder than normal for
February and precipitation at or above normal. Over the next two weeks
precipitation liquid equivalent should average 1.5-2.5 inches over
Ohio. Normal is about 1 inch in this period.
La Nina continues in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean with cooler
than normal waters. This tends to lead to more challenging years in the
Ohio Valley for agriculture.
The outlook for March through May planting season continues to calls
for a gradual switch from cooler than normal to start to warmer than
normal by later May. It also overall suggests wetter than normal with a
possible switch to drier than normal by May or June.
The outlook for summer growing season calls for warmer and drier than
normal from the latest climate models.