Craig Stickel and Co-President Steve Shaw sort books for sale.
A Message from the
Greenville Friends of the Library
The officers of the Friends of the Greenville Library (FOL) wish to
thank all its members for their support. As of the end of June,
we have 35 single members, 58 family members, and 14 corporate
members. Our members also provide the goodies for the Holiday
Open House the second Saturday in December. We have a hard
working group.
The FOL currently supports Author’s Nights, the summer Family Fun Days,
and the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program. We also purchase
items the Library is not budgeted for.
We appreciate all the book donations the public gives to us to
sell. We generally get very nice books, but sometimes, people
clean out their attics or basements, and the books are in bad
condition. We know it is hard to trash personal books, but
if they can’t be sold, please consign them to the rubbish bin or
recycling. Some of these items have mold and animal
droppings. They are a health hazard to everyone. Please
donate books you would like to handle. Again, thanks for the many
good donations.
If you wish to join the FOL, signup forms are in the library. A
single yearly membership is $5.00, family - $10.00, and corporate -