Harrison to represent
Darke County on Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council
The Ohio DD Council is one of a national network of state councils,
committed to self-determination and community inclusion for people with
developmental disabilities. With the mission of creating change that
improves independence, productivity and inclusion for people with
developmental disabilities and their families in community life, the
council members use their positions to advocate, initiate, demonstrate
and educate society in order to improve Ohio’s capacity for delivering
services to people with developmental disabilities.
Operating under the authority of the federal Developmental Disabilities
Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000, the council is comprised of
approximately 31 members, 60 percent of who represent people with
disabilities, and parents and guardians of people with developmental
disabilities. Focusing on areas of interest including Assistive
Technology, Children and Health, Community Living, Employment,
Leadership, Outreach and Public Policy, each member must agree to serve
on at least two sub- committees.
Although this is a huge endeavor that requires at least a 3 year term
commitment, Mr. Harrison is no stranger to donating his time for good
cause. He has participated on the Darke County Advocacy in Action
committee, the Darke County Aktion Club, and was an Ohio Leader through
Project STIR (Steps Toward Independence and Responsibility). Also an
avid donor with the American Red Cross, Matt is always open to giving
back to his community. When asked what he is most excited about
regarding his appointment to the council Matt stated “I feel awesome
because I can use this position to advocate for change for individuals
that don’t have as many options or opportunities as I do”.
Since 1987, March has been designated as National Developmental
Disabilities Awareness month. This month is used to highlight the
contributions and needs of the estimated 4 million Americans living
with a developmental disability. As part of March Awareness Month,
Darke DD would like to congratulate and highlight Matt on his
appointment to the Ohio DD Council.