of the Arcanum MVCTC FFA that competed in the Spring General
Livestock Judging Contest Judging
Contest were (L to R) Vance Wetzel,
Landon Haney, Jake Goubeaux, Luke Brinksneader, Austin Fourman, Ellie
Laney Fourman, Zach Smith, Austin Stephens, Samantha McAllister,
Isaac Smith, Alexis Wilcox, Alex Weiss,
Sidney McAllister, Jacob
Osswald, Cael Gostomsky, Anna Loxely, Emily Wenning,
Eleanor Pease, and
Raymond Denniston.
Members do well at State Judging
Members of the Arcanun MVCTC FFA competed in the Ohio FFA Spring
Judging Contest on March 24th in Columbus and April 7th in
Wooster. Members competed in General Livestock Judging and
Dairy Judging. In the General Livestock contest members evaluated
Beef Cattle, Sheep, Goats and Swine. They placed classes,
completed market grids and production charts.
Members of the High School Team were Sidney McAllister, Alex Weiss,
Zach Smith, Austin Stephens, Samantha McAllister, Eleanor Pease, Vance
Wetzel, Jacob Osswald, Austin Fourman, Anna Loxley Emily Wenning, Cael
Gostomsky, Raymond Denniston, Isaac Smith, and Laney
Fourman. The team placed 20th (out of 169 teams) in the
State with Sidney McAllister leading the team as 21st placed Individual
(out of 978 competitors).
The Members of the Middle School General Livestock Team were Luke
Brinksneader, Jake Goubeaux, Alexis Wilcox, Landon Haney, and Ellie
Fout. The team placed 8th in the State with Luke
Brinksneader leading the team as the 2nd place Individual.
The Arcanum MVCTC FFA Dairy Judging Team Members were Alexander Weiss,
Samantha McAllister, Anna Loxley, Sidney McAllister, and Maggie
Weiss. During that contest the members completed the live
evaluation of 4 classes of dairy cattle, answered objective questions
about the classes, completed a pedigree evaluation class and a sire
selection class. Alex qualified for the State Finals, on
April 27th at the OSU Waterman Dairy Farm, as an individual and
finished as 13th in the State and the Team finished 11th in the State.
of the Arcanum MVCTC FFA that competed in the Spring Dairy
Judging Contest Judging Contest
were (L to R) Alex Weiss, Anna Loxley,
Samantha McAllister, Sidney McAllister and Maggie Weiss.