senior scribes
Ms. Sunny Herring, Phlebotomist and Edison State Alumna, receives a standing ovation following her
keynote address at Edison State Community College’s 43rd Commencement Ceremony.

Edison State Honors Graduates

Nearly 450 students made that all-important walk down the aisle and across the stage to receive their diplomas during Edison State Community College’s 43rd annual commencement ceremony.

Edison State President Dr. Doreen Larson gave a speech praising the hard work of the graduates and explained the value of their accomplishments.

“I ask both our graduates and everyone here with them to take a slow breath, relax, and take in the beauty and the meaning of our rituals. I urge our graduates to take your time walking across the stage and allow all of us to join you in savoring this moment of achievement and great joy. Tonight, marks a milestone in achieving your educational goals and coming ever-closer to realizing your dreams.”

During the ceremony, Edison State Alumna and Phlebotomist Ms. Alison “Sunny” Herring delivered a keynote address about her experience at Edison State.

“Congratulations to the class of 2018,” said Herring. “I also attended Edison State Community College for my Phlebotomy certification in 2013.”

“My time here at Edison State taught me so much. I left feeling confident in my skills and more than prepared for the next great chapter of my life. I knew I had all the information and technical skills I needed to become successful.”

“After leaving Edison State, I began working as a phlebotomist at Dayton Children's Hospital, and with this opportunity, my life has been forever changed. I have the opportunity every day to make someone’s life better, a little easier and little less scary.”

Herring went on to encourage graduates to look for the same success she has found.

“There are many different ways to measure success; for some it is a degree, a title, salary, or recognition. For me, my measure of success is a career that I love, that allows me to care for and help people every day and leaves me feeling proud and fulfilled. I get to walk out of work every day knowing I gave my all to everyone I encountered and to their families. That I did everything in my power to connect with them and to make their lives a little easier, even if only for that moment.”

“So, class of 2018, I leave you with this; take the skills and experiences you have gained here at Edison State, go out in to the world and live everyday with purpose. Each day is an opportunity to change the world around you. If you can touch one life, help just one person, leave this world better than it was before you, then you will truly know success.”

This year’s graduating class earned over 500 degrees and certificates in such career and transfer programs as arts, business, communications, engineering and manufacturing, health sciences, humanities, information technology, mathematics, sciences, and social and public services.

The Edison State Community College Class of 2018 features:

447 Graduates
393 Associate Degrees Earned
119 Certificates or Certificates of Completion (“Fast Tracks”) Earned
35% of the graduating class lives in Miami County, 22% in Shelby County, and 22% in Darke County.
Graduates represent 16 Ohio counties.
27 students graduating with a minimum 4.0 GPA
111 students graduating with a minimum of 3.5 GPA
The oldest graduate is 60-years-old, the youngest graduate is 17-years-old; 116 are 21 or younger, and 10 are 50 or older.
33 graduates were pinned as registered nurses
51 College Credit Plus graduates including 1 high school junior
165 students with transfer credit totaled 7,475 hours transferred, averaging 39.5 hours per student.

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