Positive Behavior
Intervention & Support at GCSD Middle School
We have high expectations at Greenville Middle School through Positive
Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) to help all students learn.
At Greenville Middle School we have had the benefit of a PBIS team that
supports our students’ social emotional learning as well as improving
discipline and attendance. “Funded by the U.S. Department of
Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and the Office
of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE), the Technical Assistance
Center on PBIS supports schools, districts, and states to build systems
capacity for implementing a multi-tiered approach to social, emotional
and behavioral support. The broad purpose of PBIS is to improve the
effectiveness, efficiency and equity of schools and other agencies.
PBIS improves social, emotional and academic outcomes for all students,
including students with disabilities and students from underrepresented
groups.” https://www.pbis.org/
How do we use this model at GMS? We simply follow the
multi-tiered approach to support students and staff. The first tier is
based on meeting the needs of 80% of the student population. At tier
one we use quarterly incentives, for example, we have a school-wide
attendance goal during the first 9 weeks. When we meet the goal, a
student volleyball team will play the teachers in an all school
assembly. This activity allows us to meet a school-wide goal but is
also a climate building event for students and staff. Other school-wide
tier one activities include Wave Award immediate student recognition
tickets, teaching our school-wide WAVE expectations, grade level
incentives such as patio seating opportunities and social emotion
lessons through the 7 Mindsets curriculum.
The second tier of focused support at GMS involves the 15% of the
students who need more. More support may include check in and
check out with an adult or small group interventions with the
counselors or administrative staff. The look of tier 2 depends on the
need of the student. At this point the Attendance Assistance Team or a
meeting with the Response to intervention Team may be
needed. Whether it is behavior or attendance concerns our
first response is to provide positive assistance.
The 5% of students who need more intensive interventions in response to
social emotional needs, attendance concerns or behavior concerns will
be individually appraised to determine the best approach to meet
his/her needs. A student may be referred to an outside agency such as
IDT, Gateway or Wellness and Recovery. These individual students will
be given positive support in a variety of ways. We are
approaching the varied and intense needs of many of the students by
becoming a trauma sensitive school. We are grateful
for the recently added K-8 counselor position. Our counseling team of
Tiffany Fine and Kailey Guillozet are implementing a comprehensive
approach to increase proactive opportunities for students with the
assistance of Jamie Neely, who is fulfilling her counseling internship.
Our team approach to PBIS at GMS is making it a priority to “understand
the educational impacts of trauma,” and become a “supportive
environment where students make the positive connections with adults
and peers they might otherwise push away, calm their emotions so they
can focus and behave appropriately, and feel confident enough to
advance their learning—in other words, …….make trauma sensitivity a
regular part of how the school is run”.
https://traumasensitiveschools.org/ In using our existing WAVE
Expectations we are able to meet all students where they are and make
learning accessible by providing positive support in a multi-tiered