Darke County Parks
Shiverdecker gives Grant Writing
presentation at OPRA
Deb Shiverdecker, Administrative Assistant for Darke County Park
District was selected to present an education seminar at the annual
Ohio Parks and Recreation Association (OPRA) conference at the Kalahari
Resort and Conference Center in Sandusky, Ohio on February 3-6,
The presentation is titled, “Let the Reviewing Begin! Basic Grant
Planning and Writing.” After working in public accounting for
many years, Deb applied for a position at Darke County Parks
after a friend told her “I know of a job opening and they need
you”. She has been with the Park District for almost 14 years
now. She is responsible for financial, budget and board
reporting, planning and managing events, administering the Community
Parks Improvement Grant program and assisting the Director in the
development of the cross county Tecumseh Trail that will eventually
connect Ohio trails to the Indiana trail system.
She served as the Parks’ liaison to the Citizens for Darke County Parks
committee during their last levy campaign. She writes and
administers many of the grants that provide extra support to the Park
District including all of their trail grants. In her “spare time” she
often dons period costumes at Park sponsored historical events, helps
make maple syrup and represents the Darke County Parks at various
meetings and events.
Deb is proud to be able to represent the Park District at the
conference and to hopefully share some tips and information to help her
peers in the parks and recreation field. “I am passing along
things that I wish I had known when I started learning to write grants
on my own,” she said. She was supported in this project by local
grant writer and funding specialist Susan Laux of Mote and Associates,
Inc. in Greenville.