Edison State Leverages Grant Funding to
Support Student Success
In 2018, Edison State Community College received $91,000 in short-term
technical certificate grant funding from the State of Ohio. Due to
increased visibility and the importance of the program, the Ohio
Department of Higher Education awarded an additional $50,000 through
the partnership grant, Finish for Your Future. It is with these funds
that Edison State has found success in supporting student access and
The grant funding is available to students with demonstrated financial
need who are pursuing a short-term technical certificate, which
requires less than 30-credit hours and does not qualify for FAFSA or
Pell Grant funding.
During a recent Ohio Department of Education site visit, it was
announced that Edison State is the highest grantor of funding from this
program throughout the State, with the nearest competitor awarding
17-percent less.
“The system our team created was not only lauded by the Ohio Department
of Higher Education, but used as a model for all colleges in Ohio at
their April conference on short-term technical certificates,” said Dr.
Tony Human, Dean of Professional and Technical Programs at Edison State.
Students who have applied for and been accepted into the grant funding
program are informed via congratulatory letters. The letter outlines
how much grant money has been applied to current courses and how much
balance remains to cover future courses.
“We track a student’s progress through the certificate program and
award funds as needed to cover approved expenses over several classes
rather than just awarding a partial grant. This allows students to use
the entire $1,000 spread-out over several classes in the certificate,
rather than paying for a single class and not using the remaining money
for future classes,” said Human.
The short-term technical grant funding is available for a period of
three years to which the college estimates supporting a total of 16
students per year. To date, Edison State has processed 13 applications
and awarded nine grants in excess of $5,000 for the spring semester. An
additional $9,000 is the projected amount to be awarded for spring late
and summer semesters.
All short-term technical certificates at Edison State are industry
recognized and prepare students to enter high-demand job fields.
Students may apply to receive grant funding at any time.
For more information about the short-term technical certificates
available at Edison State, visit www.edisonohio.edu/programs. For
questions, call 937.778.8600.