Representative John Boehner...
Middle Class
Tax Relief & Job
Creation Act
December 11, 2011
D.C. – In the Weekly
Republican Address, Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) touts the
Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act, legislation the House will
vote on
next week that will help to create thousands of new American jobs while
families struggling with the consequences of President Obama’s failed
policies. This jobs
bill (H.R. 3630)
will extend the payroll tax cut, protect Social Security, reform and
unemployment insurance, and extend pro-growth tax relief for businesses
of all
sizes – while also advancing several bipartisan measures that will
support the creation of private-sector jobs, including the Keystone XL
pipeline. Everything
in the House bill
is offset by spending cuts, rather than through tax increases that
would hit
small businesses and destroy jobs, as proposed in Senate Democrats’
bill. The audio of
the Weekly Republican Address is
available immediately; the video will be available for viewing and
after the embargo is lifted.
“There’s no more urgent task for
Washington than getting our economy back to creating jobs. Unemployment is still well
above eight
percent. Millions
of Americans are
looking for work or have simply stopped looking altogether. That’s unacceptable, plain
and simple.
“Republicans have, as promised,
focused all year on our plan to remove government-made barriers to job
creation. In all,
27 bipartisan,
House-passed jobs bills are now waiting for a vote in the
Senate. One of
those initiatives is the
REINS Act, passed just a few days ago.
It would require Congress to review any new
regulation that has a major
impact on the economy.
“Nearly three years ago, President
Obama proposed a ‘stimulus’ plan with the promise it would keep
below eight percent. It
didn’t work. Because
his policies aren’t working, the
president has asked Congress to pass legislation that would extend
benefits and payroll tax relief for working Americans.
“Next week, the House is going to do
that. To help
Americans who are
struggling in the current economy, we will act on a jobs bill that
payroll tax relief, extends and reforms unemployment benefits, and cuts
government spending. There
will be no
tax hikes on America’s job creators.
“This bill will also include several
bipartisan jobs initiatives, including a provision – which is in the
president’s jobs plan as well as ours – to continue a tax incentive
that allows
employers, small and large, to invest now in new machinery and
equipment, grow
their businesses, and create jobs.
“Another bipartisan provision in this
bill supports the job-creating Keystone energy project.
“As you may know, the Keystone energy
project would create tens of thousands of American jobs and reduce our
dependence on oil from the Middle East.
This jobs project has bipartisan support in
the House and the
Senate. It’s backed
by a broad-based
coalition, from small businesses to organized labor.
“You’ve heard President Obama say the
American people ‘can’t wait’ to take action on jobs.
Well, the Keystone project is the very
definition of an idea the American people can’t wait for Washington to
action on.
“As a matter of fact, Stephen Harper,
the prime minister of Canada, has warned that if the United States
approve this project, Canada will be forced to move forward with other
customers, potentially China.
We can’t
stand by and allow that to happen.
jobs are too important.
“Unfortunately, the president wants
to put off a decision on the Keystone project until after next year’s
election. Not only
that – he now says he
will reject the House’s jobs bill if it includes support for the
“This is no time for the same-old
my-way-or-the-highway theatrics. It’s
secret that Democrats and Republicans often disagree about the best way
create jobs, but we can’t let those disagreements prevent us from
acting when
we agree. There’s
bipartisan support
for extending payroll tax relief and unemployment benefits. There’s bipartisan support
for tax incentives
that allow employers to invest and expand.
And there’s bipartisan support for the
Keystone energy project.
We should get these things done.
“As the president has said, the
American people ‘can’t wait’ for action on jobs.
At a time when they’re still asking the
question ‘where are the jobs?,’ the Keystone energy project is a
proposal the president ought to support.
Next week, the House will act to do the right
thing for jobs and
economic growth. We
remain ready to work
with the president and find common ground, which is what the American
expect and deserve.
“Merry Christmas, and thanks for listening.”