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The demise of the GOP? Welcome a rejuvenated Democrat Party.
That’s My Opinion
By Bob Robinson

Let’s see.

On Tuesday, House Speaker John Boehner announced he worked with Senate Leaders and has devised a debt ceiling increase and debt reduction bill that will pass the Senate.

Republican conservatives and bloggers howled.

The Senate, as I understand it however, is working on its own bill.

Later that night, CBS News reported that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said the House bill was dead in the water. One conservative blogger, Erick Erickson, said the Reid clip was an old one, and that Boehner’s plan was eerily similar to the Senate plan.

Probably. According to the news, it seems the only real difference is that Boehner’s plan repeats the process again during the 2012 election season. The Senate plan keeps Democrats, including Obama, “covered” until after the 2012 elections.

In late breaking news Tuesday, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said the spending decreases trumpeted by Boehner weren’t there. So Boehner announced he was holding off a House vote until Thursday to make the necessary changes to get it back on track.

Republican conservatives still howled.

On Wednesday, Reid told anyone who would listen (especially the main stream media), once again, that the Boehner plan was dead in the water in the Senate.

“Not a single Democrat will vote for it,” he said. It should be noted that I’ve seen the Reid clip at least a half dozen times; the Boehner clip… nada. I got it by email.

A bunch of Republicans said they wouldn’t vote for Boehner’s plan either. At the time of posting the planned vote has been postponed because Boehner doesn’t have enough votes. It could still occur later Thursday night.

Confused? Yeah, me too.

In the meantime, the much-trumpeted U.S. default occurs at midnight Tuesday. Four days from now.

The Orator-in-Chief, President Barack Obama, has promised that Social Security payments could be stopped, Medicare payments could be stopped and payroll for our armed forces could be stopped.

The mainstream media added to these despicable threats with continuing interviews over the U.S. Triple-A credit rating possibly being dropped to Double-A, sparking an increase in interest rates.

Mortgage, credit card and other capitol purchase consumer rates, of course, would increase accordingly.

This is a great incentive and boost to our already failing housing market and economy.

As the town drunk in a famous Alfred Hitchcock movie, The Birds, once said: “Yup, it’s the end of the world!”

Could be. But not in the way he meant. We may be watching the birth of something I’ve been worried about ever since the TEA Party gained prominence thanks to the job-killing policies of Obama and a Democrat Congress… a new third party.

Republicans have repeatedly shot themselves in the foot since Ronald Reagan. Bush the First won handily in Reagan’s 8-year footsteps with his “Read my lips. No new taxes.”

We “read his lips” as he was cajoled or forced - who cares - into reneging on that promise, and gave us new taxes. Anyone remember H. Ross Perot?

Perot gave us “It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is” Slick Willie, a president who fouled the Oval Office, after enough votes were stolen from Bush to “ride” Clinton into Washington with less than 50 percent of the vote.

Bush the Second followed Clinton and shot himself (and us) in the foot with his Compassionate Conservatism. He gave us the Orator-in-Chief’s “Yes We Can.”

For years Americans tried to figure out if there was any difference between the National Republican Party and the National Democratic Party. The Obama-Pelosi-Reid steamroller pointed out to the nation that yes, there is a difference. A devastating one.

I’m torn between “dream” and “reality.” I admire U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, former Darke County Ohio Senator, as the type of conservative we need in Washington. I admire Boehner, who has been fighting for conservative values and controlled federal spending the entire time I’ve lived in Ohio.

Today they are on opposite sides of the fence. And I fear that the rift may bring about the demise of the GOP as we know it, and the rejuvenation of a currently discredited Democrat Party…

Is the TEA Party about to become a third national political party?

There has never been a third party presidential victory in history. There have only been spoilers, and that isn’t likely to change in the foreseeable future. Voters, in their “wisdom,” elected the Orator-in-Chief in 2008. In 2010, voter backlash against Obama and the left-wing Congress changed the face of the House of Representatives, but not the Senate.

The left still controls two-thirds of the government. No real conservative budget plan stands a snowball’s chance in hell of seeing the light of day. If the Republicans split into two camps in 2012, I think it’s a done deal that we can look forward to four more years of left wing government control.

I’m not sure we can recover from that. At least not in my lifetime.

That’s my opinion. What’s yours?

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