county news online
Give me some substance
That’s My Opinion
By Bob Robinson

I believe most will agree that County News Online, under my “leadership,” leans to the right. Some might say it has stepped off the right-wing cliff, though I would disagree.

I try to make sure that the opinions CNO publishes are backed by some semblance of support for the conclusions of the authors. They occasionally might be wrong in their facts or assumptions – and I could have published unsupported rhetoric by accident – but my goal has always been to continue the tradition that I established nine years ago with my weekly opinions at The Advocate…

Provide support for those opinions. I expect the same from CNO bloggers.

I’m a firm believer in a concept I learned a half century ago from a retired newspaper editor at Texas A&M: “You are going to learn more about issues and events by absorbing what different people think about them than you ever will by simply reading newspaper stories or by watching 30-second segments on the nightly news.”

That has been my experience.

CNO subscribes to daily feeds from a wide variety of news and opinion outlets: left, right and (supposedly) center. The primary ones are Townhall, Newsmax, Fox, Politico, Dayton Business Journal, Rasmussen Reports, MSNBC, Truthout, Progressive, Sojourners and several more (left and right).

In case you are wondering, I couldn’t find a “sign-up” for MSN, and CNN wanted access to my facebook page. That was a deal breaker.

At any rate, I peruse articles and headlines every day (50 to 100 or more) and try to choose those that I believe CNO readers won’t typically get from other local sources… and might also be interested in.

“Sure would like to see more from the left,” said a couple of my loyal “left-leaning” readers. “Sure would like to see some left leaning rhetoric that I can use,” I sometimes replied.

This is what I typically see… and does NOT get published for obvious reasons:

Progressive: “For generations… union leaders ‘haven’t rocked the boat. But now the Republicans have gone and torpedoed the boat.’ Public sector workers ‘could stay at work all night’ to demonstrate that they are being overburdened. Or they could all go on break at the same time.”

Other than telling me how some on the left view their work ethic I didn’t learn much.

From a different author: “A great cross-section of the public turned out to oppose the essential rightwing narrative: that we are in a “budget crisis” and public employees must pay their “fair share” by giving up benefits and collective bargaining rights; that the solution to the economic downturn is to give tax breaks to corporations, destroy environmental protections, and gut the infrastructure and public investment that make for a decent, livable society; that public schools have failed, teachers are lazy and overpaid, and we should shift to a privatized system of lean, mean education in which students’ fate is decided by lottery, by vouchers, by privately managed experiments, and local schools with public accountability are gone.”

Even though I wasted time reading the entire article, not one of those statements was supported.

Truthout: “Is Barack Obama the community organizer who cares first about the lives of the other 98 percent of America that doesn’t roll around in money all day? Or is he the politician who sees that the 2012 election will be bought and paid for by the richest corporations and their board members, CEOs and the Chamber of Commerce? We know who the Republicans and the corporatists in the Democratic party will support. Who is Barack Obama going to side with?”

Then there’s the “pitch”…

“Tomorrow, our Democratic president will announce a slew of cuts to crucial programs - and the corporate media will cheer the dawn of a new age of privatization. At Truthout, we won’t gloss over the placation of big corporations and plutocrats at the expense of working people. Because we don’t take money from corporate sponsors, we’re able to rip through the façade of the corporate state and tell the stories no one else is telling. Please help us stay on this course with a tax-deductible contribution.”

And: “On Wednesday, the Democratic president of the United States will stand somberly before a bank of television cameras to announce the orderly annihilation of the social contract that has guarded and sustained the American people for generations.”

I can’t believe the following was written with a straight face…

“Truthout is here to get real news and critical analysis into the hands of people who need facts and solutions. Today’s lead story, for example: Dean Baker’s “Government by People Who Hate You” takes on the shock-doctrine tactics being used against the American middle class.”

Ironically, Sojourners is the site on the left that I pay the most attention to... they toss out their hate rhetoric on occasion, but I don’t use it. Mostly they link to left-leaning stories that actually have some substance. Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Los Angeles Times and more. You’ve seen them on County News Online.

I firmly believe that in order to make an informed decision, you have to know all sides of an issue: left, right, center and in-between.

I’m open. I hope our readers are. But for crying out loud, give me some substance!

That’s my opinion. What’s yours?

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