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A time of mourning
By Bob Robinson

If there was one thing that upset me more than the President of the United States on Sunday evening – a little over 48 hours after a national tragedy – getting on network television and alluding to a decades-long partisan debate, it’s the national media jumping on it like a jackal on its first meal in days.

I expected President Obama’s message to be one of mourning and consoling on behalf of 20 children who lost their lives in a little town in Connecticut, and the six adults who gave their lives trying to save their charges. It started that way… it ended that way… but in the middle he lit the fuse to a powder keg.

At four the following morning CBS reported that the debate on gun control was back on the table. And the feeding frenzy began. More gun control laws on the left (the Obamamedia). Second Amendment on the right (conservative talking heads). Only Fox News (yeah, that bastion of the right that our president typically neglects in his selected communications) attempted to address the debate with balanced gun control discussion and in-depth reports on our loss and the suffering it has caused to so many.

Color me – once again – naïve to think that we might respect a period of grieving for those who lost so much on that day.

Obama said we need to “Make sure this never happens again.” Can we do that? I wish we could, but we can’t. Any thinking person would understand that.

He also said “We can do better.” Yes, of course we can. We can always “do better.” But is now the time for that debate?

Today marks one week since a monster bypassed a seemingly solid security system and massacred 20 innocents, plus six adults who had been charged with their safety. The Birth of Jesus Christ – the Prince of Peace – will be celebrated in four days.

As we prepare to rejoice in the Gift of the Christ Child on Tuesday, may we have just a few more days to contemplate and cherish the rest of His gifts – our children – no matter how brief their time among us has been?

Let the political divisiveness begin; it always does. I will likely weigh in on it. At a more appropriate time. Not today.

You can accuse me of being too emotional about this. I probably am. Last Friday hit me hard. Very hard. As most of us do, I have children and grandchildren, two of whom are babies. I believe this is the one time of the year that we need a break from “politics.” This is the one time of the year that we need to think about and celebrate the greatest Gifts that God has bestowed upon us, and to mourn our loss when some of those Gifts are snatched away from us.

It is a time to cherish those we hold dear, not weigh into a political debate that will likely never be resolved to the satisfaction of all.

In four days it will be a time of celebration. On the fifth day, we can begin anew an old debate. Until then, it is a time of mourning.

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