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Holy Moses! Judge says toss 4 of 10 Commandments
by Sharon Hopper 
May 22, 2012 

Perhaps he was inspired by the Bible story of King Solomon’s great compromise to determine which of two women was the real mother of a baby brought before him. 

But instead of “cutting the baby in half,” a U.S. District Judge has suggested resolving a dispute between the ACLU and the Giles County, Va., School District by reducing the Ten Commandments to just six, eliminating those that refer to God. 

No word yet if the ACLU will agree to “Thou salt not commit adultery.” 

This clip appeared on my e-mail this morning and all day long I have been contemplating the idiocy I see coming to fruition in this country. I keep hearing the words in my mind to the song “Coming to America” sung by Neil Diamond. The song professes people are coming to America to enjoy FREEDOM, and the right to choose a life of opportunity and blessing without fear or intimidation. WOW! What happened between then and now to warrant changing not only the principles of our founding fathers, but the truth of the Bible. 

Since when is our freedom of religion supposed to bow to the ACLU? I do not know when the ACLU was founded in this country but I do know one thing for certain. The Bible was first. Our entire system of law, worship, and behavior is supposed to be bound by the Ten Commandments, even if we cannot live by them in their entirety. I know that I do not always obey them. But…. I also know that they exist and sooner or later my conscience tells me that I need to obey what God has written. Oh excuse me, I cannot say God in this country any longer.  

People, how long are we going to sit by and just let people like the ACLU tell us how and when we display our faith. This country was founded for the purpose of worshiping God in a free and open way. Personally I feel that if people do not like our way, they should flat go somewhere else. But that is highly unlikely since this is the most blessed and productive country in the world. Of course the Christians in this country had nothing to do with its success. The ACLU would rather we just did away with God and probably Christians that profess God. 

If we do not start standing some serious ground we might as well close all the churches, burn all the bibles, and forget all that we were founded on and live by. “If it feels good do it”. We can forget the law and live in complete fear, because people are not born to be good. Everybody wants the benefits of living without guilt, but that is not realistic. Someway, somewhere, somehow, God will make himself known and Mr. Judge whoever you are, God will deal with you, too. As for the nation, we need to be far more aware of what is going on with our beliefs and laws than what the No. 1 box office movie is. 

In God we Trust has gone by the wayside in more ways than one. I think He might just be a bit angry with us at this point. When we were a Nation Under God it was as if we were having Psalm Sunday every day, and now that we are shrinking away from proclaiming God in any public way it is as if we were hiding in our homes the day of the Crucifixion. How sad for us to let the ACLU dictate our foundation and be in charge of this beautiful land we live in.

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