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From the Other Side of the Edge….
“Unity of Purpose”…Mandela’s Ideal,…Obama’s Failure
By Joe Facinoli

When Nelson Mandela gave his only Inauguration Address, on May 10, 1994, in Capetown, South Africa, he spoke selflessly of the “…need for a ‘Unity of Purpose’ ”, with which his racially divided, and strife torn nation could provide themselves a hopeful and forgiving future. 

Almost fifteen years later, on January 20, 2009, in his first Inauguration Address, in Washington, D.C., USA, Barack Obama bragged that with his election, the self-indulged and over-indulged American nation had “…chosen hope over fear, and ‘Unity of Purpose’ over conflict and discord”, …for its self-indulgent, and ‘progressive’ future.  

Any similarity between those two ardent political proposals,…and the two men who spoke them,….ended with the utterances of that same profound phrase.  
One, used it to unite an entire country, of truly divided cultures, which had seen discord, conflict, and dispute, as perhaps no other nation on earth, ever, into a fully functioning, forward moving, economically stable population, of burgeoning understanding and tolerance.  
The other, used it only to further a personal agenda and ideology, which was anything but “all-inclusive”, and which did anything but unite a people, who, with every cultural, economic, and political opportunity and advantage within their collective grasps, allowed this leader to push tolerance and understanding, and “Unity”, far into the background.  

One man, …honest, deep thinking, and genuine, used these fervent words with sincerity, along with his life-learned lessons in compromise and conciliation, and in finding agreement, settlement, and middle ground, as a peacemaker, to ultimately lead his citizenry to a gratifying and successful end, to the greatest of all human schisms---race relations.  
The other man,…shallow, impatient, and self-absorbed, used this phrase as a throw-away line, and a filler, within a lot of other self-serving words and “catch phrasings”, meant only as self-promotion, and to mesmerize his non-thinking followers, while merely advancing his own personal esteem, with not a thought given of any unification, nor the solving of any divisions among his population.  

Nelson Mandela said many wise things, and provided much inspiration, and true leadership, to an extremely diverse and difficult populace.  
In his Inauguration speech, he told his people that the work that lay ahead for them would  “….require us all to work together, to bring an end to division, an end to suspicion, and build a nation United in our diversity.”   
He was speaking of two groups of people, who in previous decades had endured, or perpetrated slavery, mass killings, complete and savage denial of rights and even the most basic of human needs, and who now, through his leadership, and the compromise he showed his nation how to accomplish, were willing to try for that “Unity”.  

Barack Obama, says anything he can, to make himself look like a leader, while never taking any responsibility for anything he says, unless it works out…for him.  
When speaking recently, of a dispute among the two major political parties in the U.S. (not exactly warring tribal factions, nor murderous, vengeful groups of killers and human abusers), which affected every single person within the United States (funding the govt., you remember, I’m sure), BHO would only say that he would not, and would never, negotiate with the opposing party on this subject, and then blamed them for causing the problem.  

Nelson Mandela, said famously:   “If you want to make peace with your enemy,….you have to work with your enemy.”

I can see just a small difference there, …how ‘bout you? 

“Unity of Purpose.”

Even the lowest of the “Low Information Voters” may just be able to understand this phrase.    Fairly self-explanatory, and self-defining.  
In the natural order of things, it seems this “goal”, or working system of thought, should take the place of the petty squabbling, and unbending posturings, of most modern politicians and leaders.  
It’s a “Do the right thing,” kind of thing.   With no real gray area.  
As in:   “This is wrong, really wrong, and dumbheaded, we can all see that, can’t we?, …so let’s do the Right thing.” 
A bit idealistic, yes,…but easy enough to try out, for a change, …do ya think?  

Kind of goes along with:  
Common Sense, Common Decency, and Common Courtesy  vs.  Stupidity, Selfishness, and being Ignorant.

But instead, in this country, we’re stuck with:
--Left  vs. Right (and that’s not the one mentioned above)
--Black  vs. White  (we still haven’t listened, nor smartened up any)
--Rich  vs.  Poor  (class warfare, totally promoted, ironically, for financial gain of just a few, usually in govt.)
--Winning (at all costs)  vs.  Losing (EVER, at anything!)
--Reason and Good Sense  vs.  Strict Ideology (at all costs, & all else be damned)

Didn’t see much “Unity” in there, did you?    Of “Purpose”, nor of any other kind.     And I’m talking about all sides, parties, and preferences.  
Nope.   We only get:  
--Talking Points, then Spin, and half Truths, to serve whatever “purpose” which may be needed, at any given moment (regardless of what might have been said before), and then outright, full faced Lies, no matter how ridiculous sounding, and always with no expectation of consequence.  
And other fun tactics, like:   Duck and Dodge,  Stall,  and Blame ANYONE else, as long as they’re not on our side. 
And if they do get caught in a Lie, then they just tell another one, …a bigger one, to cover or “explain” the first one, or just to distract or confuse anyone who dares question them.  

It’s like the story of the guy who’s in bed with his mistress, both naked, and in “full flight”,…when his wife walks in.    The wife says, hysterically and incredulously:   “Who is this woman, here in MY bed with you??!!!”
The hubby, ever so calm and cool, and in control, says back, almost indignantly:    “What woman?   And just what in the hell are you talking about??? ”
Sound familiar, …minus the connubial issues ?

“Unity of Purpose”.    Or how ‘bout just having a Purpose??

Let’s use the Nobel Peace Prize, as a good example.  
Mandela won that coveted award in 1993, for “merely” uniting a contemptuous, hate filled nation, which only a few years earlier was a constantly exploding powder keg, with almost no solution, nor end, in sight.  
He moved race relations, and the possibility of solidarity among incredible diversity, to places no one had ever seen, and in so doing, influenced the rest of the world, forever, like only a handful who have ever walked the earth.  
Powerful, and incomparable.   The planet was blessed to have him.  

Barack Obama won his Nobel Prize, in 2009, for, in the actual words of the Oslo committee:  
“…capturing the world’s attention, and giving its people hope, for a better future.”   And, that “….he has created a new climate, in international politics.”
What??   He’s now a weatherman?    Or David Copperfield?   And Walmart circulars, for a Black Friday sale, get more attention than he’s “created”.   
And oh btw, Obama was awarded his prize, ….just twelve days after his inauguration!!    
What??   Did the Nobel people suddenly read one of his campaign flyers for the first time??    I guess they don’t get out much, up there in Norway.   Musta been a really slow year.  

But Nelson Mandela was almost unique, in this time, or any other.   
He was not a “saint”, in his younger years, and even today there are parts of his history that many still question, and some have difficulty with.  
But he did something that few others today, or in any era, have been able to do.
He spent 27 years in prison, for crimes he felt more than strongly were undeserving of such punishment, when he went in, but was able to find a self-understanding, and a peace, during his time “inside”, and came out a changed, and better, and good, man.  
When asked, how could it be that he didn’t hate his captors, after what he went through, he simply said:    “They had me for 27 years.   If I hate them, now that I am free,….then they will still have me.”
Humility and Reason, rarely seen today.  

He added:   “Good and Evil are constantly at war.   Good men (and all people—my words) must choose.”  
His Heart, and his Soul, his Reason, and his impeccable Wisdom, could not be imprisoned.  

He could be Defiant, certainly, but he did it with a Dignity, and a “Purpose”, all with an equal measure, after he learned his hard and fulfilling lessons.  
He showed the world how to Forgive, and in doing so, got what was best for his people.  

How many others, of today’s global leaders, and especially of our own, can say that?    

That answer, unfortunately, …is quite sad.  

Joe Facinoli
--Joe can be reached at: 
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