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The Other Side of the Edge.
The "Campaigner-In-Chief"
By Joe Facinoli 

When did the revered and august House of Representatives Chamber, in the world recognized and historic U.S. Capitol Building, in Washington, D.C., the nation's capitol, become nothing more than the end of a train "whistle stop", on the latest "sling it fast and heavy, and then get out of town before anyone asks you questions" medicine show and campaign tour??  

When did the President of the United States, fulfilling his sworn and solemn duty, to deliver his constitutionally required State of the Union address, become the President of the Student Council at a pep rally, playing to and goading on the kids in the crowded bleachers, pointing out members of the throng as if they were his personal choice for prom queen, and waving at and chanting to that assembled mass as if he were a linebacker just scoring his first touchdown, after a dramatic interception?? 

When did the President's inauguration speech, an historic event in its own rite, and the renowned source of so many of the greatest words and ideas (and ideals) in American politics and oratory, become the low end, other side of the tracks, little kids venue for "blame it on someone else" excuses, and shameless ideologue giveaways to anyone with their hand out, mouth open, and gypsy moths inside their heads in place of grey matter?? 

When did Americans fall in line so readily, and give up so easily, in the face of a group of people so transparent in their motives, so blatant in their methods, so carefree with the Constitution and the laws of the land, and so determined to motivate by fear and lies?? 

When did the "bully pulpit" become the means by which the President could brow beat the Congress like a cowering alley rat (whether they deserved it or not), right on their own street (house), while they not only sat there right in front of him and took it, but then stood up, and happily and enthusiastically cheered him on a couple of dozen times?? 

And while he was at it, when did it become okay to hammer the military, and question their decisions, while their top generals sat twenty feet away, and for good measure, when did it become accepted practice to toss a few childish barbs at the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, also assembled close by, with both groups compelled by custom to sit there with class and professionalism, and take all that drivel from their snotty nosed boss????   

When did every single issue or difficulty, or perceived slight of any kind, that even one single American could ever think of, become the problem and province (and obligation) of the federal government to fix, and to maintain that fix, and to tax everyone else sadistically to be sure that their "fix" of that particular problem was paid for, for eternity???   Even if that "problem" will not even exist two years from now, muchless forever??  

When did those who pull all the weight, pay all the freight, do all the work, create all the jobs, invest in all the companies that manufacture all of our futures, cede all political power and leadership to those who spend lifetimes with their hands out, and running in all directions to avoid these same "work ethic" virtues??   With unrepentant encouragement, and great assistance from, our own federal government.   

When, when, ....when??????? 

When we, as a nation, started taking our way of life for granted, stopped caring about our country, got fat, began to worry more about what size TV screen we had, and how many video games we could download, instead of what was in our savings accounts (remember those), or what we needed to do, what we could sacrifice, to make our land a better place, now, and for the future generations.   

When we stopped all considerations of a budget, or fiscal responsibility, and asked no consequence (nor gave any) for the terrible life choices too many Americans make more of here, than anywhere else on earth.  

When we decided we must handout all manner of payments and monies, to those who merely showed up somewhere, claiming some level of poverty or hardship, and through the many generations in that culture, whether family or neighborhood, made no effort to change any of that themselves.   

That's when our President, this one, the one with no original ideas other than those which take from the hardworking and creative haves, and give to the do nothing, add nothing have-nots, realized that he could stand before every major elected and appointed official in this country, and as well, it's entire electorate and populace, and say whatever he damn well pleased, regardless of whether there was even a shred of truth or veracity to any of his words, or not.   

And just when, oh when, did common sense become a "theory", and an "option", instead of a guiding principle?   Probably around the same time as the concept of "profit", became a "four letter word", regardless of how it's spelled, or how much it benefits all citizens of this country, and all of the peoples of this world.  

When is this Presidential term over?   Oh my god, four more years.   When, then, will we all wake up, and fight all of this, and make the changes necessary, just to get back to square one?  

Probably not until when meteors explode into the earth, and the pope resigns, so it's not too encouraging.   But wait, ....what did I just hear on the 24 hour news cycle??   When did that happen???

Hope does live indeed!   And maybe even "change".   Perhaps when pigs can fly?.  

Joe Facinoli

(You can reach Joe at )









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