Strong Schools, Strong Community
Survey Results for
the Upcoming Bond Issue
By Doug Fries, Superintendent
Recently the Greenville School District conducted a survey about the
upcoming August 6th bond issue to construct a new K-8 school building
facility and renovating the high school. The survey was
communicated through various news media outlets and school district
evening events.
Here are the results of the community members who participated in the
survey. 761people took the survey in which 91.8% were registered
voters in the Greenville School District. 47.8% have a
child/children attending Greenville Schools. 7% have a child/children
at home that will be attending school. 12.6% have a
grandchild/grandchildren that attend Greenville Schools and 4.5% have a grandchild/grandchildren that will attend Greenville
Schools. The remaining people completing the survey did not have
children or grandchildren attending school but were community members.
Of those 761people completing the survey, the results showed the
• 80.4% felt the educational delivery process can be improved for
Greenville Schools with new and/or renovated facilities.
• 81.7% would support a new K-8 school facility that would
improve safety and security for our children by controlling and
limiting entrance access points.
• 83.4% would support a new K-8 school facility that could operate more
efficiently and eliminate maintenance cost of aging buildings at
Woodland Heights, East, South and the Junior High.
• 76.5% believe new and renovated school facilities could attract
business and industry and improve property values for the community of
• 69.7% of those surveyed felt that new and renovated facilities could
reverse the trend of declining enrollment of students at Greenville
Schools that has caused a reduction in state funding.
• 76.1% of the people completing the survey would support the new K-8
facility if it were open at night for senior and community use.
• Interestingly, only 46.9% of those surveyed knew that the present
split of financing with the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission was
57% local and 43% state on a new
bond issue for all co-fundable space.
• 78.8% of those surveyed then said they would support a new K-8 bond
issue knowing the state would assist with 43% of the bond issue. Again,
this would be for allowable co-fundable space.
• 79.5% in the survey would support the project knowing a new K-8
facility would improve handicap accessibility to the school for
students, parents, and community members.
• 81.3% supported a new school facility.
As always, feel free to contact me with questions on the upcoming
school bond issue at my office phone 937-548-3185 or email
dfries@greenville.k12.oh.us. Further information can also be found at
Please remember Strong Schools, Strong Community. We become
our choices. This survey indicates that there is community support for
now being the time to upgrade our school facilities and in turn our
community. Please join me in supporting the upgrade of our school
facilities and therefore enhancing our educational delivery process.
Doug Fries Superintendent Greenville Schools