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Impeach Obama?
By Bob Robinson

Well, the media’s at it again. Just when I thought they were finally beginning to take Obama to task, they are lauding him for firing IRS Acting Commissioner Steven Miller when he would have been out of the office in two weeks anyway. Under the law as I understand it, Miller had to be appointed Commissioner, or removed by June 1 and a new acting commissioner appointed.

It was all over CBS News Thursday morning. “Obama: Acting IRS Commissioner has resigned over scandal.” That was the headline in the Chicago Tribune. Broadcast media has been mimicking it. No mention that he’d be out anyway.

I can’t really take Pres. Obama to task for using this to his advantage. He’s the guru of politicking and public relations; I fault the media for not telling the complete story. I also give the president credit for finally expressing outrage over one of the ongoing outrageous actions of his administration.

Obama’s press secretary Jay Carney needs to find a rock to hide under. He has continually referred to IRS as an independent agency. If I recall correctly, it is under the purview of the Treasury Department and is probably the most powerful agency in the federal government.

Then there’s his “tweaking” comments about the role of the White House and State Department in the Benghazi attack.

On Nov. 28, he said: “The White House and the State Department have made clear that the single adjustment that was made to those talking points by either of those two institutions were changing the word ‘consulate’ to ‘diplomatic facility’ because ‘consulate’ was inaccurate.”

We know differently now. That story is still unfolding and I credit ABC for finally bringing it to the forefront. The fact that Fox News and conservative bloggers have been “trying” to push it for months I guess is irrelevant. Will we finally get to hear from the survivors of the attack?

Finally, we have the hacking of Associated Press journalist accounts by Attorney General Eric Holder’s office. Needless to say, the media is furious. This is the most flagrant violation of the First Amendment the Obama administration has managed to date. Just ask any journalist, supposed purveyor of the Fourth Estate.

So have Obama and Holder been taken off their Christmas card lists yet? Oops. Forgot. Christmas is no longer politically correct. Do they have Seasons Greetings lists?

The Obama Administration’s list of flagrant violations of the law and the Constitution is almost endless, but these three have finally gotten the attention of his adoring media.

Some Reps in Washington are taking advantage of it for one of their pet projects… calling for Obama’s impeachment.

When asked about the comments, Obama reportedly smiled and said…

“Two words… President Biden.”

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