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From the Other Side of the Edge….
Did He Say “Period!”? ....I Think He Meant “Comma”….
By Joe Facinoli

A Dog, no matter how many times, and ways, you try to make it be something different, ….is still a dog.

Especially when it pees on your new carpet, and leaves little “throw-up presents” (as well as those dreaded “other” kind) around everywhere, for you to step on later, and usually at the worst possible times.

A Pig, regardless of how often you may choose to look at it as being so many strips of heavenly delicious bacon (albeit muddy and filthy ones), … still a pig.

And no amount of lip-gloss, nor even eyeshadow, will ever change that fact.

And, as the old “litmus” test for truth goes,…if something walks like a Duck, and quacks like one, while bearing a striking resemblance to a full grown Mallard,…well,…this one’s easy. (And I’m not describing Nancy Pelosi, so stop it, you two, over there snickering in the corner, …that wouldn’t be polite.)

Thusly and so, by following this simple pattern of deductive reasoning, we can come to two quick conclusions, from the events of recent weeks:

#1. A Liar,…by any other name or title, and regardless of how many times he tells you he’s not, nor how often (ad nauseam) he asks us the question “who are you going to believe?,…. him, …or your lying, 20/20 eyes?”, ….is still a bald faced, unmitigated, habitual, and clueless as to how to do it well, ….Liar.

Even if he is the former most powerful person on the planet (recently downgraded, by the L.S.B.S.F.L. --Libyan/Syrian Broadcasting System and Freedom League), and even if he is following the well-worn, well-documented “Big Lie” script so perfectly, by telling us the same, unbelievable and cockamamie tale, over and over, and over again, while trying so very hard for the last three years, to make us want to believe it.

And in addition, …like a hand in a glove…..

#2. The Non-Affordable (and non-existent, really, by many standards, since Oct. 1) Care Act, ….Obamacare, to those nasty terrorists and small minded racists who dare to point out its ever so slight “imperfections”, …is nothing,…..if not the biggest, most self-serving, flat on its face before it even started, D-O-G, that this country has seen since Prohibition (that was 80 years ago, btw), and maybe ever.

As my good friends in Texas would tell you: “This here puppy, just don’t wanna hunt.”

A Piglet of a debacle, by any “Fair Standard”. Perhaps Cover Girl may soon come out with some new cosmetics, in an attempt to dress this “oinker” up.

I’m thinking, …maybe,…The “Lip, Eye, and Rosy Cheek (and Baby Back Ribs) Sparkle” Line, for those very “special” occasions. Although, honestly, painting up this Pig, sounds more like a job for Sherwin Williams.

So, if I can stretch this range of reasoning just a bit further (hopefully, not one analogy too far), I’ll finally get to the point of major annoyance and aggravation from this past week, regarding the fact that our President wasn’t quite as truthful with us, as maybe he could have been (and should have been).

I know, …knock me over with a feather.

Seems, he has a grammar problem.

He likes to use the word “period” a lot, at the end of certain sentences, to emphasize the fact that all the words preceding that one (and in front of the actual period, the one that looks like a little dot, and should be enough by itself), are the absolute, unbridled, “lookit,-you-can-trust-me,-I’m-your-President”, straight off the tele-prompter, so it has to be right,….Truth.

Like, for instance, and totally at random here, when he has said to us, for …oh, let’s just say something like the last 5 years, give or take, that with his new Health Care plan, if we (the little people) want to keep the doctors we’ve been going to see for a few decades, and would like to stay on our same health insurance plan, from oh, roughly the same time frame, then no problem.

He told us so passionately, and so convincingly, and so often we almost started to believe him, that if we wanted to do any of that, then by golly, …well, we just could,….PERIOD !!!

Oh, and for extra emphasis, and persuasion, he almost always added: “End of story!!”

That would be, as in, “I’m the President, and more importantly, I AM, BARACK OBAMA, and if I say that it is so, then move the heavens and the deep blue sea, for it shall be so!”

Uh,….not so fast, there, …Blue Lagoon lips.

Seems that little “period”, should have actually been a “comma”, as in it wasn’t really the “end of the story”, and there was a wee bit more that he had left out, and needed to tell us.

It was only the most important part, but he really did MEAN to tell us, that first time (or, those first 750 times, over 5 years, but who’s counting!!??)

And right after he heard about the error of his ways, from CNN, and NBC, and other bastions of journalistic light, he started using that “comma” more properly, and even pretending as though that “period”,….wasn’t ever there.

Those media guys and gals are so good and diligent, about getting all the facts right, and he’s so glad to have them working for him, to keep him straight when his busy schedule (read: golf, and interminable vacations) doesn’t allow him time for so many of those annoying details.

And boy howdy, there sure were a lot of things to be said, …after that “comma” got inserted !!

Like: “If you’re happy with your current health plan, or your present doctor, you can keep them,,,,, unless (an important and dangerous word, that often follows a “comma”, in very complicated sentences) those rotten to the core, soulless insurance companies make any changes to your plan (that I don’t like).”

Never mind that those changes were made so that the insurance carriers could adhere to the new law which he jammed down our throats, and that those “changes” (and canceled policies) would affect about 15 million people right now, and perhaps 90 million folks within a year.

Let’s see then, the Obamacare Act was designed (if you actually believe the man with the bad grammar problem) to aid in getting about 15 million uninsured people signed up. The rest were already good. And of those 15 mill, about half of them CHOSE not to have health insurance, even though they could afford it.

And to do that, we threw upwards of 90 million people onto the street, with no health insurance, after their companies canceled them, following the launch of this lame puppy.

But that’s okay, because those unlucky 90 million can now “shop around” for new insurance. Oh yeah, but only on his plan, for more money, and less coverage.

And if you’re old, and/or computer “challenged”,….well,….you’ll be dead soon, anyway.

Who thought this up?....Sesame Street characters? Or Homer Simpson? (Hmmm,…..might be a new gig, for Pelosi and Reid, after they get out of jail)

Reviewing then, and after consulting my abacus app, on my Smart/Stupid phone, ….90 million would be MORE than 15 million, right? And really a lot more than the only about 7 or 8 million, who didn’t have insurance, and couldn’t afford it. But now, almost everyone can’t afford health insurance!!!

So what did we just do here, to the greatest healthcare system in the world?

All so this one man, this empty suit of a man, who has no interest in the good of the American people, nor in this nation, could have a legacy.

Unbelievable, …but sadly,….true.

Let’s cut the crap. This is a Dog of a law, that has only just started to pee on our leg, and which should never have seen the light of any day.

Given to us by a Congress full of greedy, filthy Pigs, most of whom line up at the trough, in the same look-a-like, walk-a-like, and quack-a-like, self-serving, and out of touch way (although nobody looks quite like, nor quacks quite like, Nancy Pelosi,….or Harry Reid either, now that you mention it).

Stay off the ledge, and focus on Nov., 2014. Better times HAVE to be coming.

Doesn’t get any worse than this Dog.

Joe Facinoli

(Joe can be reached at: )

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