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From the Other Side of the Edge…..
Three Card Monte…..
By Joe Facinoli

Ever been to New York City, and strolled through the subways, or walked the streets surrounding Central Park?
Interesting places, to say the least, with so many different and wildly varying sights, sounds, and activities going on,….day and night. 

One of the “standard” sights which one might find, or fall victim to, if too naïve or un-streetwise, is a deceptively innocent game of chance, which can prove alarmingly dangerous, financially tragic, and even deadly, if the participant allows themselves to be drawn too far into it.  

Known by several names, depending on whose “selling it”, or enticing you to play, the most common moniker for this sleight of hand, street swindle is:    “Three Card Monte”.  

Using three playing cards, one of them usually an Ace or a Queen, with a lot of tricky hand movements and a lot of talking, it’s been around for years, in many U.S. cities, and even in Paris and London, but still manages to find new “targets” and foils every day,
With its fascinating way of selling the truth, and its simple, compelling lure, the “mark” (that’s you, if you’re not careful) is led to believe that huge financial gain, is just a quickly and impulsively placed bet away.  

What could be the harm, right?   A little quick action, with what appears to be a great and real possibility of walking off with some good and quick reward?  

Unfortunately, for most however, it’s a too quickly placed bet, with way too much impulse involved, and not nearly enough thought attached.  

But how did this gutter dwelling street game, with its con-artist nature, and its “Pay no attention to the little man behind the curtain…” mentality, find its way into international policy, diplomacy, and politics?

What persuaded the President, and all of his key people, including Secretary of State John (the Monotone) Carey, and House Minority Leader Nancy (the Face) Pelosi, that now was the time to pull out this low level, street corner scam, in order to convince the American public about some highly volatile, misguided plan, disguised as doing some benign humanitarian goodness? 

That it is a just such a grand idea, for the good and moral USA to use all of our military muscle, might, and knowhow (and bluster), to lay waste to some camel tents in Syria, so as to teach their bad ol’ bully dictator, once and for all, not to use Weapons of Mass Destruction (uh,…remember those?), on his own people, or anyone, for that matter, ever again.

The answers are:     It didn’t, …nothing, …and it isn’t.

What they did do, was decide that this little gamut was the perfect opportunity, at the perfect time, to put all their other well-earned troubles, illegalities, and scandals (real, or “phony”) behind them.   Or at least get them off the front burner. 

And to use this convenient current events vehicle to “distract” their ever gullible, low-information constituents, along with anyone else not paying close and full attention, while they took all the money (read:  power, liberties, and freedom), off the table and away from us, in one quick, card palming play.  

An easy “Distraction”, in their well-trained hands, with all their available tools, from their well-practiced and clandestine bag of tricks.

There is no imminent crises here.  

Nothing that hasn’t been going on in Syria for years.   And why is this suddenly so different from all the other horrific and systematic slaughters that have been carried out in Africa, for decades??    Some of those, using nothing more than machetes.
Where was our “humanitarian concern” there, …and then?

And tell me why, would even an ego-maniacal madman like Assad, gas his own people, knowing exactly what the world and U.S. response would be?

Especially when that ill-fated group included no resistance fighters nor “revolutionary” combatants, and were in an area of no strategic importance, with no tactical gains to be had, from these attacks.  

The answer is:    He wouldn’t. 

However, maybe, just possibly, it could have been the “resistance” itself, wiping out some of ITS own people, knowing exactly what the world and U.S. response would be??   

That being, of course, that we would knee-jerk, and go after their sworn enemy, Assad, jumping them light years ahead in their campaign against him, without even having to lift a finger.
Call me crazy, but crazier things have been done.  

Especially when the groups we would be backing, de facto, while we are blasting away with our “free throws” at Assad, are known far and wide to be something just a little less than choir boys and Boy Scouts. 

Do the names Al Qaeda, and The Muslim Brotherhood, engender any warm and fuzzy feelings, while thinking of whom we might like to be “sleeping with”, politically speaking, in a week or two?   

Not buying any new guest towels, nor fancy pajamas, in anticipation of that bunch dropping by the house for a slumber party.  

But I digress.  

Just trapped myself, unconsciously, with the same “Hey, look over there!”  trick shot that the President is using on us.  
I actually started to debate this issue on its merits.    When of course, that’s precisely what he wants us to do, knowing full well he will lose that fight.
It’s brilliant.

We start discussing this “no-brainer”, that 43 out of 43 previous Presidents would not even touch, and that nobody in their right minds would back, and we forget all about the other little “missteps” and “pseudo scandals”, and tragedies that he and his underlings are responsible for.
He’s even using the fact that we know that he’s probably lying to us again, about his intentions, if not the actual facts involved, to his present advantage.
Using his now fully accepted “modus operandi” of bending and shaping the truth to his own benefit, knowing that we will call him on it, and in so doing, waste weeks of time that we could have devoted on the REAL problems and issues, which he and his acolytes have created.  

And when we are finally done with this one, tossing it out like the spoiled garbage it truly is, it will be too late to dredge up the others again, by then.  

In our “Three Card Monte” street game, the con-men lure their suckers in by falsely, and creatively, convincing them that they will achieve quick and positive results, with little effort.   Just watch the cards, you only need to follow the one, out of just three, to be a winner.  

So simple.   How hard could that be, to have some quick success, and big time??

All they need to do is trust the guys running the game, and forget about what their instincts are telling them, and their “own lying eyes” are showing them.

Hopefully, most will not abandon their good instincts, their gut feelings, and the reality that their watchful eyes will bring them.
And that they will see this foolish, insulting ploy for what it is.  

But for those who might not be able to see through this, however, let me list a few good, and simply stated reasons, along with some honorable names to recall (as well as a few who are not so honorable), which might help you reconsider your position:

Benghazi.   The IRS, targeting.   The NSA, listening.    The FBI, and James Rosen.   The FBI, and the A.P.    Fast and Furious.   
Bailouts and Stimuli.    Unemployment.    Tripling the Deficit.   No Budgets passed in years.    98 new “Czars” (give or take, I stopped counting).   Tax evasions by Cabinet Members.    Edward Snowden.    Inept and Embarrassing Foreign Policy and Relations.    All the other ones, ….on, and on, and on. 

Chris Stevens.   Tyrone Woods.   Glen Doherty.   Sean Smith.   (The good, brave, and honorable ones.)

Eric Holder.   Hillary Clinton.   John Carey.   Jay Carney.   Nancy Pelosi.    Susan Rice.    Janet Napolitano.    Lois Lerner (taking the 5th).   Barack Hussein Obama.   (The not so good, not so brave, and not so honorable ones, in no particular order.)

The “herd instinct” is sometimes hard to resist.   
Fight it.  

Understand fully what you hear, and think through intuitively what you see. 
Make up your own mind, and be proud to do so, even if you have to stand alone, against that “madding” crowd.  

The alternatives are not pretty.  

Joe Facinoli
(Joe can be reached at: )
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