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Commissioner’s Corner
Reflecting on our blessings

December is finally here.  Families have gathered together for the Holiday’s, schools have taken a much needed break, and decorations are everywhere to celebrate this most wonderful season.  Since this is the last month of the calendar year, it is always a good time to reflect on our many blessings the good Lord has given us this past year. If I were to list all the good things happening to Darke County this year, it would take a whole page of the paper. So in favor of expediency, let’s just say we have been blessed in so many areas.

Economically, we have had one of the best years ever! People are buying locally, new businesses have sprung up, more business has expanded, unemployment is way down, and there is a new more positive attitude around.  We feel like we are improving, and getting better.  We are receiving national attention (the Holiday Horse parade made the Chicago Tribune!) The Wall Street Journal, Dayton Business Journal, and all news outlets have done stories on our success.   New schools are being built, and old ones are getting a face lift, another sign that the attitude is changing here after so many attempts before.  The attitude that “we don’t need each other” between local Governments is long gone.   The County, and all the villages and Greenville are all rowing the boat in the same direction, all in an effort to make our little corner of the world better. People are happier, and complaints about the County are almost non -existent anymore, and the ones we get are usually fixed very quickly. (We are very happy about that!!)

As with most places, crime and drugs are a problem.  However, through the work of law enforcement and citizen involvement, we are seeing a marked increase in apprehension of criminals. Cases are up almost 20%, so our Law enforcement is doing the job.  As long as our citizens continue to help, we will eventually hope to get a handle on this problem.

I guess, all in all, we have been truly blessed.  We, the Commissioners are very proud of where we have come from, and where we are going.  We will continue to do our best to make Darke County better. It is an honor to serve all of you.

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! The Board of Darke County Commissioners

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senior scribes

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