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From the Other Side of the Edge….
Orwellian Protesters, Change Dr. King’s History, …and Legacy
By Joe Facinoli

On a sweltering August afternoon in 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, the de facto leader, champion, and soul of the American Civil Rights movement during that time, delivered his forever iconic, and deeply inspiring “I Have a Dream…” speech, in Washington DC, before over two hundred thousand fellow Civil Rights travelers, …and Abraham Lincoln’s ghost. 

His special words, and his sincere and gifted delivery of them, should be listened to again and again, by everyone today, and should be playing on every news outlet in a constant loop, …instead of the nonsensical coverage of “protesters” who have no real idea why they are (protesting).  

Dr. King told those who had peacefully gathered upon the National Mall, on that now famous day, that his “Dream”, was deeply rooted in the “American Dream”.   

This one is often lost among his many quotes and thoughts, …but has SO many positive meanings, …none of which are being applied, nor listened to, today.

He went on, in his unmatchable, untouchable way, to express his fervent, and heartfelt hope, that:

“…one day, my four little children will live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, …but by the content of their character.”  

More significant, important, and powerful words, …may never have been spoken, …anywhere, at any time, within these United States.  

He also called on all Americans to create a “Symphony of Brotherhood” , and further, said he looked forward to a time when all races “…will join hands as Sisters and Brothers”.   

But where are these incredible words, and passionate hopes now??

Ever hear anyone today, talking about “character”, …or for that matter, “judging” someone, fairly, …in terms of race ???

Not too often, ….and never amongst the wannabes who pretend to be followers of Dr. King, in this day, …but who debase and dishonor him, and who cheapen themselves terribly by comparison, …every time they speak his name.   

No, …it’s all about “people of color” this, and “young men of color” that, …and never about how the hard earned efforts someone (of whatever “color”) may have paid off for them, …nor ever about how someone’s thoughtless and criminal actions have led them to sometimes tragic, but always self-made consequences.   

How have King’s words become so twisted, and too often, …so ignored?  

It’s as if, for their own purposes, today’s leaders, of the “movement”, have turned those sacred phrases and thoughts around, indiscriminately and sacrilegiously, to mean and say whatever they need them to say, to keep the “plantation mentality” viable, and (shhh…), ….profitable.  

In 1945, coincidentally also in August, Englishman Eric Arthur Blair, (whom we know better as George Orwell), published a simple, yet highly significant work of his own, …the prescient book:   “Animal Farm”.

In it, he spins a seemingly playful yarn, …but uses it to describe, and raise to an artform, the methods and madness of people (and governments) in his recent past, who used the twisting of words and philosophies to their greatest, and forever heinous, advantage.  

He showed, in great and lasting detail, how just a few people within a supposedly likeminded group, could (and did) gain control over the masses of this group, by simply and slowly changing the “roots”, and the base values, of the whole.   

At first, without much notice, if any at all.  

Then, by tacit acceptance, and self-chosen ignorance by the group, as notice was indeed eventually taken, the “leaders” were able to convince the rest that all was well, purely because they said so.   

And finally, when the masses did see that the smaller group among them had altered some important things quite drastically, and permanently, ….it was too late.   

A prominent signboard in their yard (at the Farm), had gone from what was thought to be their highest and most simple code:   

“All Animals are Equal”, ….

…to that same revered phrase, but with a new (and too late to change it) qualifier:

“…but some animals are more equal than other animals.”  

Similar groups of stupid “animals” we’re working with here.    And that includes all the media types, as well as people of both the black AND white persuasions.  

And especially the current, “wannabe back in the ‘60s”, protesters who protest just to protest.   

But don’t ask them too many deep questions about their would-be “cause”, or you might find a group that’s “Dazed and Confused” enough to actually be from those times, which they hold in such high regard.   

This group blasphemes Dr. King’s work, and life, each time they open their mouths, which they only seem to do when cameras are around them.  

Then the leaders take over.  

These include all the “usual suspects”, but now also anyone who’s ever been “unfairly” arrested (for anything), especially if they happened to be wearing a suit at the time.  

They bastardize King’s name by attaching it to their own, regardless of how little sense, or humanity, they are displaying.   

Jackson, Sharpton, Holder, and even Obama (but hardly only these four), will pontificate and say whatever they think will work best for them, then slap a reverent mention of MLK on it, …and Presto, …all’s good in the “movement”.  

And the silent (until they’re told not to be) and way too obedient group of followers, moves right along with them, in rote, lock step.  

It’s “Orwellian”, what they’ve done to Dr. King.   

Some don’t even know they’re doing it, and that’s sad, and unfortunately, …the point.   

Some probably don’t even know who he is, muchless what he might have done for them, and the “cause”, in the distant past.   

They just shuffle along, doing what they’re told to do, thinking what they’re told to think.    Very sad.  

Orwell later wrote another “somewhat” influential book, …a little contribution to the world’s political and social discussions, …titled:    “1984”.   

In this amazing work, where nearly every paragraph is a literary, as well as political treasure, two thoughts (among so many relevant ones) jump out, regarding today’s current events.

He told us, in his clever and brilliant way, that:    “Ignorance is Strength”.   

As in, keep the masses ignorant (and/or stupid), and they’ll do your work for you.

George also reminded us (and firmly believed), that:

“…he who controls the past, controls the future.”    And,  “…he who controls the present, controls the past.”   

In other words, keep all the masses down on the “plantation”, by keeping them ignorant and uneducated of their history, by changing or re-arranging it, whenever necessary, no matter how beloved that history is.   

In this way, you keep the masses needing “The Party” and “Big Brother” to care for them every minute, and you keep the Power, …over them, and everyone.   

G.O. also said:   “The object of Power, …is Power.”

And today, by any means necessary.

Including disrespecting, defaming, ignoring, and ultimately destroying, …the work of a true American hero, and icon.  

One, …to whom we should all still be listening.  

Joe Facinoli
--Joe can be reached at:
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© Copyright 2014,   Joe Facinoli

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