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U.S. Representative John Boehner
Making Bureaucrats Account for the Costs of New Rules on Small Businesses

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) released the following statement today commending House passage of the Unfunded Mandates Information & Transparency Act (H.R. 50), legislation introduced by Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), to increase transparency on the costs of unfunded federal mandates and to ensure that those affected have the opportunity to provide input on the new rules.

“Having run a small business, I know firsthand how all the rules and mandates coming out of Washington make it harder to balance the books, make payroll, and plan for the future.  The bureaucrats who write these rules should understand that too, and they should provide an honest accounting of what the mandates they hand down will mean for jobs and the economy.  This common-sense jobs bill boosts transparency and accountability, and gives private-sector employers the opportunity to weigh in on new mandates.  It has now passed the House three times with bipartisan support, and the president ought to reconsider his veto threat and work with us to help put more Americans back to work.”

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