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Answering Life’s Biggest Questions
Laundry Woes
By Abigail Fischer and Katie DeLand

Dear A+K:

With the 90 degree heat and 500 extracurricular activities, I am drowning in laundry this summer.  I seriously just can't keep up, and I suspect that you two can relate.  What are some helpful hints on staying ahead of the game or putting a positive spin on this situation?

Losing it in the Laundry Room

Dear Losing it:

Aahhh- the laundry.  Who knew that this one little task could consume so much time...and space.  Seriously.  We seem to be eating dinner amidst mounds of filthy jerseys.

First, let's analyze how you determine "dirty."  This life skill should be taught in middle school, right around the age where kids stink the most.  There is no chance that a shirt that was only taken off the hanger to be tried on and then rejected needs to be delicately spun.  If the jeans were worn to church and back, shove those Levis back into the drawer..  Simple.  It gets harder when they venture around food.  Can we all just agree to bring back the bib for everyone under the age of 18?   There has to be a market for this outside of Memphis BBQ and Maine lobster.

Despite all of our attempts at making our kids really justify their overflowing hampers, they still exist.  Every single day.  Where are all of these clothes coming from?  Why are your children wearing socks in July?  Whatever happened to getting callouses and blisters from hot asphalt?  So once again, you find yourself staring down a mountain of clothes.  In this situation, play a few mind games to pass the time.  The usuals:  "How Many Times Can I "Fluff" the Towels Before I Fold Them?" "How High Can I Stack These Clothes Before I Make a New Pile?" or "Find the Undershirts and Underwear in the Jungle of Socks."  They are oodles of fun, and we are pretty proud of the 4 foot, 8 inch pile we mastered of our husband's boxers just last week.  Speaking of....

The Hubs.  Your reinforcement, right?  Because to be perfectly frank, you just can't trust that your son was listening when you vehemently explained the difference between your delicate cream tank and his linty black bath towel.  So your spouse is the only other dependable adult in the house, and you look to him for life support.  The only problem:  you watch him fold the tshirts, and it looks like an ape performed the task.  Everything is a wrapped soft ball of cotton.  No sharp lines or tucked in sleeves.  This cannot be real.  He has to be doing this on purpose to escape all future laundry detail.  Why didn't you think of that ten years ago?

Our only advice to you is to do what every other good American mom does- truck those laundry baskets in front of the nearest tv and cuss over the fitted sheets. Emptying the DVR counts as multi-tasking in your book.  Your kids may not know the difference between off-white and hunter green, but they sure can deliver their teetering towers of fresh socks to their rooms. When all else fails, press "start" on the dryer for the 45th time. This freshens up the wrinkles, and buys time.

According to all of the poetic internet memes, one day we will miss this.  And then we will only have the 4 /2 feet of boxers to keep us company.

Laundry on!


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