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Anomie v.2
By Kate Burch

Pioneering French sociologist Emile Durkheim used the word, “anomie” in his 1897 book, “Suicide” to describe a situation in which the society’s standards and values are rapidly changing, causing people to feel confused, alienated, and purposeless.  He further wrote that significant changes in the economic fortunes of a society and especially a situation in which people are unable to achieve the commonly-held aspirations and values of the culture because of such changes, cause anomie and contribute to suicides.  His work was ground-breaking because he helped us to understand that societal factors, and not just individual pathology, could contribute significantly to self-destruction.

Today, we are immersed in a witches’ brew of disintegrative change, and the devastating impact on people is becoming more and more apparent.  I wrote a few months ago about the 15% increase in death rates of the white U.S. population ages 40-55—from drug-and-alcohol-related causes.  Murder rates rose nearly 17 percent in the nation’s 50 largest cities in 2015, following the ferment over Michael Brown’s likely “suicide by cop” in Ferguson, MO and the anti-police ideology pushed by our elites.  The suicide rate among middle-aged white women has risen by 80% in the last decade.  Among adolescent girls, ages 10-14, the suicide rate surged 200% between 1999 and 2014!  Incidence and prevalence rates of mental illness among adolescents have increased since the 1930’s, and today about one in five teenagers has a diagnosable mental illness. 

In the 100 years or more that the Progressives have gradually established the media and our educational establishments as their fiefdoms we have seen, in the name of creating a fairer and more just society, the growth of a truly monstrous regulatory state and a system of entitlements that have paradoxically damaged opportunities for personal development and entrepreneurship, hurt the cause of liberty, and sent us well down the path toward impoverishment.  Lower animals are given preferential protection and care over humans, to the extent that shooting a gorilla to prevent his killing a four-year-old boy is protested by thousands.  In the name of freedom, women are entitled to kill their unborn children, and there have been an estimated 56 million abortions since Roe v Wade (disproportionately killing black babies, by the way.)  Politicians whose behavior is breathtakingly corrupt, self-seeking, and dangerous to the nation get a pass if they cannot be proved to have literally violated a law.  The complete mismatch between radical Islam’s values and system of law and those of Western civilization is overlooked and their outright avowal of intent to conquer us denied.  A prospective employer cannot have confidence that a graduate of our public schools has developed the knowledge and skills required for successful job performance because everybody graduates, regardless of merit.  The schools teach students to be ashamed and apologetic about America.  Schools promote leftist propaganda, such as “climate change,” and encourage truly weird and destructive notions about sexuality and the family that further increase confusion in the young and cause fragmentation and isolation in our world.  Even basic sexual identity is now fluid and questionable. Religious liberty, the primary motivation for the creation of the United States of America, is denied in the name of forcing the public to pay for irresponsible life choices. 

Can it be that these changes are evolutionary?  Or are they part of a deliberate program?  George Orwell wrote, in “1984,”  “Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” 

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