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Why I Love The Greenville City Park
By Terry Venrick
Edison State Communications Student

I have been going to the Greenville city park as long as I can remember. My mom has pictures of me as a baby there feeding the geese. The first time I remember being at the park myself was with my Grandma.

She would sit and read to me and my siblings stories and almost always had a treat for us. With the passing of my grandma this year I really look back and treasure those times even more so then I already did. The best thing about the park is that it is beautiful. It has multiple ponds with of course a lot of ducks and geese. When I was younger you could feed them but, times have changed and now that is not an option.

There is a skate park and although I never skated I liked walking around it. I remember my sister always enjoyed fishing; I was never great at it. There are shelters scattered where you can have picnics. The high school is right by the park so even though sometimes I hated walking home from school I did not mind it so much, that is if the weather permitted.

I celebrated a birthday at the park one year, I cannot remember if it was my tenth or eleventh. It was gorgeous that day, I had invited all my friends; it was just a great time. My dad had thought making a homemade piñata was a great idea, but it was exceptionally hot that day and well, needless to say, all the candy had melted, but regardless it was still a fun time.

Another memory from the park that sticks out to me was when my brother decided to get brave and run (and might I add for no reason) into the middle of the big pond. The big pond is the first one you see coming into the park. Anyway, he ran in and obviously being only about five or six he did not know how to swim. My mother had to run in after him and save him. At the time it was not funny but now it is; my mom had on a ridiculous skirt that could double as a tent if need be. It was just always funny to me how silly she looked jumping in after him.

I could go on an on why I love the park. It holds so many memories from my childhood and a very special place in my heart. I think if anyone else comes from a somewhat small town like Greenville you could understand and agree. I am 26 now with a son of my own and a nephew and I look forward to making memories with them there that they can share with their children. If you are ever visiting Greenville I highly suggest visiting our park. It’s a beautiful place for wonderful memories.


senior scribes

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