the bistro off broadway

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"Hooah" from Fort Benning: White Phase: Determination
By Brandy Lewis

Tradgedy fell on Cade and it kills me to be so far away from him because I cannot be by his side.  Cade fell and broke his right hand, creating a small hairline fracture over the knuckle of his pinky finger.  Now, the worry of being recycled is always on his mind.  Recycled is where you are forced to start over again.  He talks about making us proud.  I'm quick to write back that we will always be proud of him. 

Cade admitted, "this is the hardest thing that I've done in my life.  I want to prove people wrong because I can do this.  I can make it because I am #ARMYSTRONG and #CADESTRONG.  I will not let this hand stop me from graduation."

He is in sick call and misses his PT test.  Now, he can't do push ups with a broken hand and everyone is worried about him getting out of shape.

Then when you think things can't get any worse the phone call home that was promised by the D.S. is cancelled.  No reason is given why.

The next time we hear from Cade his spirits are up.  He just finished his shooting qualifications and states, "I found out I'm a good shot after all."  He also says, " Shooting is fun to me but I don't want to shoot people but will if I need to."  The harsh reality of the Army on his mind.

His first job ever, he is excited about all the money he will have.  He now has over $1000 dollars in his account and states, "That's a lot of money!" He wants to fly us over to Italy for the holidays.  I wrote him to save his money but I doubt that will happen because money burns a hole in my son's

Once again, upset about his lost phone call, he cleans his weapon and then sneaks to the bathroom and goes to a stall for a nap.  I think he's pretty lucky he didn't get caught or he might not get a phone call again!

Cade went to sick call and  waited several hours to see the doctor.  He had removed the splint to write us against doctor's orders.  I had just written him to follow instructions so it will heal quickly but know it will be over a week before he gets my letter. 

He goes to orthopedics the next day to get a cast.  I'm upset to hear about the cast because that means extended healing time and not sure he'll be able to shoot with a cast on.  I'm trying to stay positive but worried he'll lose his duty assignment to Italy that he wants so much.

My depression is erased with Cade's next letter.  He wrote out the Civilian Creed for us.  He said he saw it at the doctor's office and wrote it down for his family. He hopes it gives us motivation and it did.  We write in our letters #FAMILYSTRONG and that we are.  We always seem to know what we need to get through this journey. 

With family on our minds and he writes his sisters a letter. "How's things at home and did you enjoy the summer without me," he asks?  "Probably more peaceful," (and that it was)!  Then he gives them words of wisdon from their older brother.  He states, "You two should stick together.  It will make things easier.  Two heads are better than one."  Then he asks, "if you have told your friends that your brother is a tough guy in the Army who is going to jump out of planes in Italy?"  Then he finishes by saying, " I love you Casey and Katelynn."

Upon his next visit to sick call they remove his cast.  Cade says his hand smells like rotten feet!  They checked it out and he told them it doesn't hurt so he's cleared to start training again.  His first thought is he doesn't have to worry about being recycled and tells us he will be graduating on time.

With family day approaching he is constantly talking about seeing us and wants us to bring his girlfriend, Lauren, along with us.  We encounter a problem because my car only holds five so we reserved a rental car to drive her around safely.  I'm bummed we will have to split the family into 2 cars everywhere we go but he is beyond excited to see Lauren.  His solution was to have her ride on his lap for 3 days.

I don't think so!

Cade hopes the creed he sent helped.  He writes we're #FAMILYSTRONG, #ARMYSTRONG, #CADESTRONG and I add to all my letters #ProudArmyMom!

senior scribes
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