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St. Mary’s School
Happy Halloween!
By Kathy Ayette

October has crept in with all its spookiness.  As usual, I have bats flying around the ceiling, and jack-o-lanterns and spiders observing my every move from the top of the lockers.  I also have a skeleton in my locker. (Please note, that’s a skeleton in my locker, not my closet.)  However, he has not been satisfied with staying there.  He stayed put for a week, but now has taken to hiding in the children’s lockers.  Wednesday, we came in to find him working at one of the computers.  No wonder I have been having computer issues.  Although in all fairness, it may not be the skeleton’s fault.  I can mess up a computer with no assistance from the paranormal.

Friday, October 4 was the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi.  Students and staff brought in pet supplies that were donated to the Darke County Humane Society.  A poster with pictures of the students’ pets was displayed at Mass as we asked God to bless our furry, feathered and scaly friends.  Family Movie Night was that evening.  Coincidently the movie elected by the students was the “Secret Lives of Pets”.  The movie night is an annual event, weather permitting. Families can join in a rousing game of kickball, enjoy the playground equipment, or just visiting with friends.  When it is dark enough, the movie begins.  This year we had hamburgers, hot dogs and tenderloin sandwiches available.  The Winner family provided and cooked the meat.  Before school started the husband of one of the teachers had a stroke.  The funds raised from the food sale were donated to the teacher and her family. 

On October 10 the Caterpillar preschool class had a visit from some Greenville City firefighters who helped them learn about fire safety and fire fighters.  The next day, October 11, the Butterfly preschoolers and the kindergarteners walked to the Fire Station for a tour.  On the same day my first and second graders traveled to the fairgrounds for the Greenville High School FFA Farm and Safety Day.  Members of the FFA had set up learning stations for the children.  One of the presenters was Miss Annie Oakley herself, a.k.a Madison Werner.   Madison is a not only a former student of St. Mary’s, but she is one of my former students as well.  She visited the school on September 30, to tell us about the original Annie Oakley.

On Wednesday, October 16, the preschool through second grades went to Brumbaugh’s Fruit Farm.  Now I am writing before the fact, but unless the weather causes a cancellation, I feel safe in saying that children had a great time.  This field trip is one of the highlights of the year.  In fact, it may be the highlight of the year.  The students learn about growing apples and get to see the apple sorting machine and walk into the cooler packed with fragrant apples.  They learn that bees not only make honey but are essential in producing apples.  They go on a hayride and each child gets to pick a pumpkin from the field.  Finally, they have an extended recess in the playground.  I believe the highlight for the teachers and chaperones is a trip to the bakery.  All in all, everyone has a great time.

On Sunday, October 20 the seventh and eighth graders will receive the sacrament of Confirmation.  Bishop Binzer will be at St. Mary’s Church to confirm the students. 

On October 22 and 23, the third graders will take the state test for reading and language arts.  The test is online, so hopefully the computers will cooperate.  I have this theory.  I believe computers are sentient beings out to get us.  At least my computer and I-pad seem to have evil designs.

 The first quarter ends October 25.  You would think that after all the years of teaching, I wouldn’t be taken by surprise by the end of the quarter.  Yet every quarter, every year, seems to arrive sooner than expected.  Report cards will go home shortly after.  Parent teacher conferences will be Thursday evening, November 7.

The kindergarten through fourth grade will be entertaining the residents of Heartland and Village Green with Halloween songs on October 30.  The children will dress in their Halloween costumes for what will be a “spook-tacular” performance.

The class Halloween parties will be on October 31.  This year’s eighth grade haunted house will feature a haunted swamp.  In the afternoon the students will change into their costumes for the school parade.  After the parade they will return to their classrooms to continue the festivities.

Before long we will be exchanging our skeletons and ghosts for turkeys, and our jack-o-lanterns for pies.  Until next month, watch out for all those ghoulies and goblins, and things that go bump in the night.

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