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Along Life’s Way
You and Yourself
By Lois E. Wilson
Have you ever thought—I can’t get away from myself? Wherever I go, I’m always there. If you were separate and saw yourself across the room, would you think that person is too loud, wild, uneducated, and not my type? Or would you say to yourself, “I’d like to get to know that person better.”
You do have control over how you present yourself to others. When you are asked for a date or interviewed for entrance to a school program or a possible job, do you send a message of self-doubt, egotism, or self-confidence?
Of course, it is hoped that you always dress appropriately for a situation. That means if you are a woman, choose hemlines and necklines that are not revealing. For both sexes, wear clean outfits suitable for the event.
You might try sitting in front of a mirror and role-play answering possible questions. That helps you focus on what to expect and prepare yourself so that you are not surprised by any that might be asked.
Be respectful to others. Turn off your devices, put them down, and give your companions your full attention, a good attitude, and listen well.
Let possible employers know you are willing to learn. If you are queried about projects you have been involved in, be generous in giving credit to those who worked on them with you. Afterwards, it is wise to send a thank-you note to the person or entity that conducted your interview. That action helps them remember you in a positive way.
This narrative has a business slant to it; however, many of the suggestions can improve interactions in your social life. You do not want to overwhelm someone who is interested in you by coming across as a self-absorbed person.
If after self-analysis you find that you have some undesirable traits that might turn people off, make it your goal to improve yourself. You have the power to change a bad attitude and personality flaws that annoy others. As the sayings go: ”Be someone you can look up to” and “Always put your best foot forward.”
That accomplished—you can look into your mirror and ask yourself, “Have I met you before?” Then your answer can truthfully be, “No, I don’t think so—I’m a different person!”

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