What are we allowing
ourselves to become?
By Sharon Hopper
Senior Scribe
It seems like every day we hear more and more about the cruelty of
people on the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, and all public media. It
seems to me in this day of fast communication and instant messaging
that we need to learn to be far more compassionate and credible in
everything we say and do.
The cruelty in school is bad enough, but to put it in writing on public
media for everyone to see is absolutely unforgivable. It is true
that the Constitution gives us the right of free speech. Free speech is
wonderful, but cruel speech is hateful, hurtful, and totally
unnecessary. We hear often about all of the terrible and hurt lives
that happen daily to young and old alike. Suicide.
Murder. Anger. Hatefull actions..... What has
happened to decency.?
The most hurtful thing about all of this is that many will participate
in such cruelty on the Internet and other such media and claim to be
children of God. It seems to me that these children have never
been associated with God in any way. We have become insensitive
to common courtesy, and simple manners, that have led society for
centuries. How did we manage in one or two decades to completely
destroy human kindness and consideration for others?
I wonder how we can expect God to bless a society that
participates in this stupidity called freedom of speech? It would be so
refreshing to wake up and hear that this type of freedom has been
abolished, and replaced by consideration for others, and rules of
decency, regardless of the circumstances. Someone may hate
another, but to openly voice that opinion is cruel, inhumane, and just
plain stupid.
If this is free America, then maybe we really need to reconsider what
and who we are. This is not free…. But just plain cruel and out
of line in an honorable society. America, what are we allowing
ourselves to become?