Introducing Billy
By Delbert Blickenstaff
Did you ever do a cannon ball off the diving board? That’s my favorite
dive. Henry and I had to learn to swim before we were allowed to go in
the deep end of the pool.
Mom got us swimming lessons at the Y and the first thing we had to
learn was to breathe out with our faces in the water. Then we learned
to swim underwater.
Henry can go all the way across the pool, but I can go about half way
underwater. Next year I’m going to learn to do a jack knife off the
spring board.
We got some new cousins last week, and they’re twins. I wonder how you
get twins. Do you have to order them ahead of time? Ralph is my
favorite cousin. He’s a year older than I am, and a year younger than
Henry. Grandpa says that when we three get together all h___ breaks
loose. We like to play tag and base ball and climb trees.
I learned another new word yesterday. Grandma was talking on the phone
about a friend who had just had a baby boy. She said that the baby got
his tallywhacker trimmed and would be going home the next day. I asked
her what that was and she said ask your Grandpa.
So I did, and he said it was the baby’s pee-pee. I thought what a big
name for such a small thing. And why did it have to be trimmed? Maybe
I’ll ask Dad. He’s a doctor and he might know.
Well, I can’t think of anything else new.