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What Happened?
By Mona Lease 

A couple of friends and I were relaxing at our Darke Co. Fish and Game Club. As twilight fell, we started in with our "war stories." As usual, that started my brain rambling. 

There was a time (Gee, I feel old) when a guy put his "mark" on his car or truck. Where ever it was, you'd know, Joe's ride. It could be anything - racing slicks, center caps, the rear end up maybe an inch or two, everything perfectly waxed, "all chromed out" as the saying went; the list was endless. 

This applied to work, too. A brick layer might put the bottom right brick (front side) just slightly out of alignment on a job he did. Those who knew; could identify "Dale's work." 

Women did this, too. It could be the first two inches of a seam she sewed on an article were a different color. Some women put a fingernail print on the label of a jar of home made jam or other goodies. This lent credence to the work. And it identified the maker. 

Now, I realize it is hard to alter the sound of an engine today. But I do miss things like hearing Richard come home. That's a childhood memory. Looking back - with the Cherry Bombs on his car. Everyone probably heard his arrival!! 

I'll leave you with this question. I've used this before. So, those of you who know the answer - Don't tell anyone else. 

In the movie The Wizard of Oz - who SAID the wizard was a wizard? 

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Be safe and healthy. Ever Toodles!! MONA

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