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Musings of a Senior Scribe
The Answer
By Mona Lease 

Hi, all! I left you with the question - In the movie The Wizard of Oz - "Who said the Wizard was a wizard?"  Answer - "The Munchkins." Critical Thinking - With their limited understanding (we all have "limited" understanding), the Munchkins reasoned that only someone with exceptional mental capabilities could "fall from the sky - from another world." They could not do that. In the end, the Wizard explains that he can not get home - his balloon broke. He accepted their praise and helped the solve their disputes. Before he left, he introduced them to the Cowardly Lion, the Scarecrow, and the Tin Man - A new courage, a new bravery, and a new heart. He told them they could trust these "people" and he had to leave, it was time to go home. Life application - Just because a person says someone is this or that, does not make it true. Test it and see. Side issue - Remember Dorothy carrying the Tin Man's oilcan in her basket on her arm? The Tin Man could have carried it. He carried it with him and set it on a stump before he rusted. Dorothy carried it to help him. She judged he had been through enough and she could ease that "burden" for him. 

And, chew on this: Boost, prepaid cell provider, is wholly owned by Sprint/Nextel Corp. It is based in Irvine, Ca.  It was originally launched in Australia and New Zealand; with the target market being urban minorities (us Po-Fokes?). At the end of June 2012, Sprint/Nextel boasted 56 million customers worldwide. Boost started their Shrinkage Plan roughly 2 years past. $50.00 a month plus $3.50 Ohio tax for $53.50 to start. After 6 months, with no late payments, the monthly fee drops to $45. plus tax. This continues every six months until you reach $35.00 plus tax. It will never go lower. This is unlimited talk, (cell to any other cell, cell to land line phone), text, and pictures (sending/receiving). 

The thing is: 56 million customers paying $50.00 a month is $2,800,000,000.00. Tax in Ohio is 7%. That is $3.50 on $50.00.Now, if 56 million customers are paying $3.50 tax, that is $196,0000,000.00 in tax dollars. I realize the 56 million is worldwide. Try this to get it into perspective - if there are 7 continents, divide 56 million customers by 7, for 8 million customers per continent. 

Ohio is straight 7% sales tax. Missouri breaks tax down into - 5.6% use rate, 2.6% for food. Mississippi has - Retail tangible personal property taxed at 7%, Farm Tracts at 1%, Farm Implements are 3%. Kansas is 8.95%. California is up to 8.95% depending on the locale. Nevada is 6.85%. Montana, Oregon, Alaska, New Hampshire, and Deleware have no "sales tax." You fall into the "user-rate, wholesale/retail grid."  Using 7% sales taxes should work for our purposes here. 

So, if 56 million people are paying $196,000,000.00 in sales taxes - A MONTH - worldwide (56 million x $3.50) 7% sales tax on the $50.00 a month Shrinkage Plan; dividing the $196,000,000.00 by 7 (7 continents), should tell us the sales tax generated A MONTH, in North America - right? That should give us $28,000,000.00 A MONTH in sales tax on the usage of Boost Cell phones in North America. If you buy the money cards at $25.00 or $50.00 and do not specify the Shrinkage Plan you are going minute to minute, which was 10 cents a minute . If you use 15 seconds you are billed for the full minute. The minutes start when the phone starts looking for the signal to make the call. If you are in a bad area you are - well you know. 

The point? If we are all putting our heard-earned dollars together to make Sprint/Nextel #3 on Newsweek's "Green List" in 2011; what could we "Po-Fokes" do if we put our hearts and minds together? 

This one is obvious - if tax dollars are to go to help build and repair roads, support schools, protect wildlife areas, lakes & streams, and a breakdown for the "state militia" - why and HOW are we "broke?" 

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Be safe and healthy. Ever Toodles!! MONA

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