the bistro off broadway

A Holiday Offering
By Hope Louise Edwards Wills


Summer was winding down. It was almost fall.

Fall on the farm was never dull.

The farmhouse was in a real tizzy.

Fruits and veggies to can kept Fannie Farmer slightly dizzy.

Some things would be frozen as well,

Warm peach pie was a favorite of the Farmer in the Dell.

On a cold winter night he would ask, oh so nice,

For just another little slice.

Fannie thought blueberry crunch cake was just right

For a cold winter night.

And a pot of green beans with ham always tasted great,

After working in a cold barn till late.

The apples would soon be ready to pick,

But don’t eat them green, they might make you sick.

Apple pie cobbler, dumplings, sauce, butter and more,

Is what Fanny thought as she opened the cellar door.

Apples, potatoes, turnips and squash, what a sight.

And so good when fixed just right.

Fall was coming to the barnyard, too.

The leaves would soon be a lovely hue.

The barn loft would be filled with hay,

And the temperature would be dropping any day.

The animals were getting ready for snow and ice,

But were dreaming of springtime. Oh, so nice.


By Hope Louise Edwards Wills

Thomas Turkey was strutting around the farm.

It was almost Thanksgiving but he would come to no harm.

He lived on a farm where all animals lived to old age

And weren’t roasted in an oven stuffed with sage.

All the farm animals were having Thanksgiving dinner with Paula Pig

And for their entertainment she would dance a jig.

They would be dining on Paula’s famous pumpkin veggie stew

And she would have lots of biscuits, too.

All her friends would be there, Harry Hound, Henrietta Hen to name a few.

And who would forget the pup, Pom. I wouldn’t would you?

So Tom was very happy

To spend Thanksgiving with his farm family.

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senior scribes

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