Introducing Billy
By Delbert Blickenstaff

Grandpa did teach me a little song in Spanish and here it is:

    Frey Philipe, Frey Philipe,
    Duermes tu, Duermes tu,
    Toca la Compana, Toca la Compana,
    Tan, Tan, Tan,   Tan, Tan, Tan.

It is easy to sing and it didn’t take me long to learn it. Grandpa said it might be a lullaby that a mother would sing to her little boy Philip. I’m going to sing it for Carlos and see what he says.

By the way, I found out that Carlos has the same last name as some of the baseball players, Gonzalez.

We’ve finally learned to count to 100 in Kindergarten. It helps me to think about coins when I count. Our teacher said that when we count to 5 that’s a nickel, and when we count to 10, that’s a dime. Maybe now that I’m six years old I’ll start getting an allowance like Henry does. I’ll even be able to count it. Now what can I spend it on?

Last week when Dad had a day off we took Nelly to the Vet. Henry went along but Mom and Emily stayed home. Nelly really likes the Vet, Dr. Keller. He talks to her as he is looking in her ears and eyes and mouth. He listened to her heart. He even had her lie down while he pressed on her belly. I asked him what he was doing and he said that he was checking her for tumors. She didn’t have any. He said she was a healthy dog and he gave us some more medicine to give her to keep her that way. Maybe some day I’ll be a Vet and take care of other people’s pets.

Dad might want me to be a doctor like him, but he has to work too much and be away at night. Why do babies want to be born at night? I wish Dad didn’t have to work so much.


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