senior scribes
From The Bears?
By Mona Lease

Hi, all! I've had this column in my head for years, now. So, consider this: Some 25 years ago I taught my son to read. We started with the "Berenstein Bears" - a gift from a paternal aunt of my son's. It worked best if he read a paragraph, I read one, and we continued that way - even Jr. High Literature Class. It was a time we shared in the dead of winter - a book and hot chocolate.

One Berenstein book (in a series), had to do with brother and sister bear screaming "What did you bring me?" when the Grandparents walked through the front door for a visit. After the Grandparents were gone - Papa Bear had a fit -  "Why did the cubs act like that? It was embarrassing." Mama Bear agreed and added - "How did they get like that?" Mama and Papa Bear realized that mostly the cubs got what they wanted - from someone. Always some present when the Grandparents arrived - whatever they wanted when they went shopping with Mama and Papa. Mama and Papa Bear realized they would have to say something - to the cubs - to the Grandparents.

I've been involved in a young girl's life for a while, now. It's been the above story. I know the girl's Grandfather. He has spent a lot of money and the Granddaughter seemingly does not care. It's school time and I've always gotten her something - this year he is not. Why am I getting her something? I have set boundaries. I go to see her because I want to do so. I am interested in her - her goals and dreams. I am not playing games. I do not see that the kiddies and their futures are something with which to play games.I do not see how I can make her "take a hit" (morally speaking) for something she was not taught. She was taught (by example) "whatever you want is there for the asking." She was not taught "that a big enough draw on any well - will drain the well - if it is not replenished."

A story from my son's Literature Class comes to my mind. It seems that some aliens were looking down on the Earth and they stopped all the power. Earth was in total darkness. Everyone blamed the next person - Kokomo Joe did it - he's a loner - he never smiles. Betty Grable always had "weird company" - strange hours - she did it - or someone she knows. I chuckle at this - as if one person could wipe out all of the Earth's power!

Then I wondered - do we have a darkness of mind - so to speak? I mean - do we just accept the thoughts and ideas - ours and others' - without ever wondering or asking what caused something to happen or not happen? Or ever asking if someone has the power to do what they want you to back them to do. In the end of the "alien story"  - one alien said to another alien - "It happens every time - turn off the power and they act just like this."

Here's a scary thought (for me, anyway!) - Could the Berenstein Book (a kiddie book!) from some 25 years ago - really be the answer? Could it still hold true today?

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!! MONA

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