senior scribes
Of Beads and Baubles
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!! I've read that the kiddies need to be protected - that there is an "age of accountability"  - that the accountability is a different age for everyone. I've read that working to get "ahead" is a good thing - it's the reason behind it all that matters. But - are we protecting the kiddies from what they really need?

I've been mentoring a couple of people who do not know each other - that I know...and they have the same story. Behind the scenes is a lot of unhappiness - two parents working to "achieve the dream." I also read somewhere about "not storing treasure where rust and moth will get to it." I never really thought much of that - until the mentoring. I've been told that "growing up - we had the dream home - crystal chandeliers, plushy carpet, ritzy section of town" - you get the idea. But see, the "dream" stopped there - all the physical "baubles" - but, no home Norman Rockwell Scenes - Dad and son throwing a football - no June Cleaver - Mother and daughter baking Grandma's "secret recipe" chocolate chip cookies - nothing like that. Behind the "happy family in the beautiful house" was a tired set of parents (in most cases) and kiddies who were wondering why the kiddies who had far fewer "beads & baubles" - were actually happier than they. Later in life they realized that while they were "all baubled up"...they really only wanted to be happy and throw a ball or bake time....pats on the back and laughter.

Now - money and baubles mean little if anything to them. In an odd sort of way - it's backwards, now. - parents vehemently asking why they are not buying a nice home. And, in the minds of my mentorees - why would they jump for the "dream"...that was a nightmare for them...and live strung out like their parents? They see now and did see then, that the beads&baubles do not last - they break - and become outdated. But, the hugs&smiles and the memories of them do last...which is love and the family love does last.

And - I've heard that Annie Oakley Days is finished - ruined - forced out of the running, etc. I went to York Woods last Saturday. Admittedly - I was thinking it all might be true. Then I heard - "See the pyramids along the Nile..Watch a sunset from a tropic isle." That's the Duprees' "You Belong to Me hit song from 1952. As I followed the singer's voice I heard - "Come with me - to the sea- the sea of love." That's "Sea of Love", a Phil Phillips hit from 1959. Mentally scratching my head, I found the singers - four young men - true four part harmony! They do some four part harmony songs - "a capella" - that's "only voices." Wrapping my brain around the fact that a couple of the singers could not be over 25 - they could not have been around when the hits were "on the charts" - they did "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"...a Tokens hit from 1962 and Gene Chandler's "Duke of Earl"...1962. One of my favorites is "Good Night, Sweetheart." This is a British written song dated 1931! For you people 50+ years old - you'll remember ShaNaNa's Bowzer - a James Dean type character - doing his right arm movements and back-up"do-do-do-do-do's"

So - maybe it's not "all over"...maybe it has only just begun anew. I could tell there has been much practice with these four young men who call themselves "The Classics - a Vocal Quartet." Ranging in age from 19-44..they give true four part harmony. Call Chris at 937-307-9248 for more info.These are all Darke County boys, that have reinforced in my mind, that our "much sought after answer" to our many problems is much practice and dedication - to each other and in this case, the music.

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!! MONA

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