senior scribes

Sex or Love?
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!! I had a conversation with a girl I've been mentoring. She had "been with a guy" - yes, you read it rightly. She wanted to know why it was different - why she had experienced things she had not before known existed. Aside from the fact that they are not married (and for purposes of this column's credibility, I will state that you should be married before "being with someone" of the opposite sex.) - I said -

The difference is because any one can "make love" - physically. It is a different experience entirely when the mind, body and soul are brought into perfect harmony...which is what brings the desire to be with that same person on an emotional level, too - which is in direct opposition to "the world."  While "the world" screams that you do not need to care - should not care - are not required to care - this girl's experience has her mind reeling. She now realizes what has been "missing." - which opens another door - all others will pale in comparison now - and we do compare. From there, my words to here were - "Make whatever changes within yourself are necessary to keep this." Ya see -

I believe we have debased love/sex to the lowest form possible. We use both to sell cars, toothpaste, homes, etc. Through contraceptives, abortion, etc. we have removed any sort of responsibility for our "animal urges" and in more than a few cases -  have behaved like the animals themselves. While this is nothing new to my thinking - the following was an "out of the park homer" ...and it shames me. She told me he was not good looking. Here's the shame part - Have we really managed to equate looks with performance...of any sort?! You know - "He has poise - he would be a good waiter. Or, she is too rough looking - she would never make a good Mother, etc."

Then my mind went to a few places I am not sure I wanted it to this one - I do not believe that people leave a truly good life to do drugs/alcohol and the lying, cheating, stealing, etc that go with it. So - with our using sex/love to sell everything and the introduction of sex education  to younger and younger kiddies - by the time they are 14 they have probably heard this a good 5 years. Would that be long enough to get the curiosity going - along with the hormones?

While we are all chasing "sex appeal" and all the "stuff" we can buy to prove we have the sex appeal - the kiddies are watching - along with the Joneses'  - in case you want to see if you are still in "style." The body is a pretty amazing Creation. It is complete with "built in safeguards" being anxious speaking in front of a crowd...or first time sex - even anytime sex. The safeguards are there to help you remember to mind your manners - if something does not "feel right" - it is usually "not right." ...which means to NOT DO, drugs, lying, cheating, etc. And - in the above case - the guy know this - that there is much more to the sex/love thing - much, much more...that there is physical health, emotional health, spiritual health...and one is not really much good without the others.That's why "being with him" took 3 months. The question now is - "Do they both make the necessary changes to keep this - or let it become just another "fling?" Show this to every kiddie you know.

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!! MONA

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