senior scribes

Socialized Medicine
© by Abraham Lincoln

I watched Obama talk, repeatedly, about delivering affordable health care for the masses and I voted for him to deliver pills to us patients. So far, without any notable exceptions, Obama has not swayed Congress to create socialized medicine for Americans -- both the Republicans in office and the Democrats running things are all taking big bucks from the health care lobby and will not vote for socialized medicine in America.

For those who abhor words like "Socialized" Medicine, let me remind you that this country has always had socialized something; from education to socialized security. Social Security to socialized Medicaid and Medicare and socialized education are here to stay — no politician wants to be hung by his constituents back home.

Socialized medicine is a better bang for the buck than some of our socialized programs — education has been a failure since teachers got tenure. And until you can fire teachers for their ineptitude, or for having sex with students, among other issues, education won't change in America. We have far too many has-beens in classrooms, waiting on pensions, for that to happen.

Congress does take care of its members. The best and worst health care system in any government keeps a lot of old goats alive that should have been dead and gone decades ago. The Congressional retirement system makes what some Americans have worked decades to get look like a busted piggy bank filled with pennies. You can bet your wisdom teeth that anything that covers our politicians will never go bankrupt.

Life is hard for Americans. Not only have increasing numbers lost their jobs and homes but also in the process they lost what little health care they had with their employers. It used to be that health care in this country was cheap and the quality was the envy of the world. Not these days. Obama, like the last two Bushes, are not willing to bite the bullets and stop the wars to buy us Americans health care.

I would like to cut Obama some slack but he hasn't spent one dime's worth of our nickel to put health care on the table of every American. He could but there are lobby groups that only support politicians who keep our war machines running.

I am old—give me Socialized Health Care and stop financing our so-called allies overseas. I would vote for another Bush if he could be trusted to deliver a health care plan for the people of this country.

Our former enemies, Germany, Italy and Japan have economies that are much better than our own and we financed them. They have socialized medicine and we don’t have anything close to that. Every visit to the doctor or hospital costs us or our insurance programs. You would think the money used for the ten year war in Afghanistan could have been used to pay for free college educations and free health care for every American but our elected representatives chose to spend it all on a war that props-up the lobbyist’s war machines.

We ship manufacturing overseas for other nations to put their people to work. Why not ship the Afghanistan war overseas and let the people who have our jobs also have our wars?

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