Here we are in
a New Year……2015
By Sharon Hopper
Everyone always looks to a New Year like their life is going to be
different. But I believe that this year will be the same as last year
and the problems will continue. You see I don’t think problems go away
with a new year, they actually change over many years. For instance……..
I remember driving home from Newport R.I. It took as long to travel the
110 miles from the Pa. line to my hometown of Huron, Ohio as it did to
make the trip through New York, New Jersey, Mass. to Rhode Island.
Reason was simple. We had to travel old state highways, drive through
all the towns and cities, and suffer with the slow trucks on the road.
Then they finished the highway which made the trip from six hours to
two and a half hours. I have driven that road many times and it was
still a problem in a different way; but none the less a problem. Over
time the problem just changed. That is the way of so many situations
are that face many of us from year to year.
Granted there are some things that one can change over a new year, but
that has to come with determination and dedication. For instance losing
weight or the decision to quit smoking. How is this going to change my
life, and after I go through the process am I actually going to be
happier? That is yet to be determined. But I can almost guarantee that
if I do not make the changes then my life will probably be the same
this year as it was last year. But personal change is small potatoes
compared to the change that is really needed. I fear that it is too
late for us to make the changes that will save our nation from becoming
the modern day Rome.
Basically we have to change how we act and how we perform as a
society to make a change that is noticeable to the world and younger
generations. If we as a people keep destroying property, rioting,
killing one another, and stealing we are going to set a standard for
our young people that will produce change that is unproductive,
harmful, and hurtful to many and eventually create a world that will
self-destruct. Maybe it is time to tell the minorities we are tired of
watching the rules for decency and order removed from our public places
like the ten commandments, the golden rule, prayer, and the pledge of
alligence, and yes the bible to name a few. It is alright for a movie
to embarrass a country and its leader in the name of freedom of speech,
but wrong for a child to wear a shirt professing Christianity to
school. Give me a break. As a country we have completely reached the
point of ridiculous. We are told that we cannot do these things because
it could insult or hurt someone. Well I am offended because I no longer
have a choice. All I can say is that the Pilgrims who came to this
country to have their freedoms are rolling over in their graves, along
with many of our great statesman from years past. Little by little we
are being fed to the lions. The only difference is that it is bloodless
and done is such a way that we have bought into all this as a lamb
being led to slaughter. If the good people of America do not wake up
and stand up for their rights, they will live to see the day when
morality and decency are completely gone and we will be no better than
ISIS. God be with us as this was not the intent of our forefathers.
By Sharon Hopper