senior scribes

Amidst the Chaos?
By Mona Lease

I am amazed at what I hear now that I've been keeping my mouth shut - well, more shut than I ever have! The following amuses me. I find so much irony in it. And - a healthy dose of humor.

I've heard all my life that Catholics "have it wrong." I've watched the news as Jewish people were killed because "they were inferior" or as Hitler put it - "life worthy of life." He and those who were close to him "had it right - the true religion, etc."

Coptic Christians were recently beheaded because they were  Christians and of the wrong kind of Christians - the way I understand it. Baptists have always said their's was the true religion - "The Trinity is the real way." Methodists said to be "more reserved." And -  on it goes. I read the following in the Huffington Post - 12/22/2014.

Pope FrancIs Delivers a Blistering Christmas Message to Vatican Curia

"Francis issued a blistering indictment to the Vatican Bureaucracy, accusing the cardinals, bishops, and priests who serve him, of using their Vatican careers to grab power and wealth, of living "hypocritical, double lives" and forgetting that they're supposed to be joyful men of God.

Francis turned the traditional, general exchange of Christmas greetings into a public dressing down of the Curia, the central administration of the Holy See, which governs the 1.2 billion strong Catholic Church. He made clear his plans for a radical reform of the structure of the church power, must be accompanied by an even more radical spiritual reform of the men involved.

Ticking off 15 "ailments of the Curia" one by one, Francis urged the prelates sitting stone-faced before him, to use the Christmas Season to repent (turn from the undesirable behavior) and atone (make right the wrongs) and make the church a healthier, happier place in 2015.

Benedict tasked three trusted cardinals to probe deep into the Vatican's backstabbing culture to find out what would have prompted a papal butler to steal incriminating documents and leak them to a journalist.

Francis had some zingers: How the "terrorism of gossip" can kill the reputation of our colleagues and brothers in cold blood. How cliques can "enslave their members and become a cancer that threatens the harmony of the body"... and eventually kill it off by "friendly fire." How some suffer from "spiritual Alzheimer's", forgetting what drew them to the priesthood in the first place. Francis has not shied away from complaining about the gossiping, careerism, and bureaucratic power intrigues that afflict the Holy See.

A year into his reform agenda, Francis was emboldened to make clear to the prelates themselves, that superficial displays of change are not what he is looking for.

Francis spoke of the "ailment of feeling immortal, immune, or even indispensable." He continued with "being rivals and boasting." Of wanting to accumulate things...having a "hardened heart"...wooing superiors for personal gain...having a "funeral face"...and being too "rigid, tough, and arrogant" ...especially toward underlings."

February 14, 2015: "Pope Francis welcomed 20 new cardinals into the elite club that will elect his successor. He told them to put aside their pride, jealousy, and self-interests and exercise perfect charity. He warned that not even churchmen are immune from the temptation to be jealous, angry, proud, or pursue their own self-interests - even when "cloaked in noble appearances."

He spoke of the mortal danger of pent-up anger, of that smoldering anger which makes us brood over wrongs we have received. He said this was unacceptable in a man of the church."

Here's a little irony for you: What if the above read: "Even Mona is not immune from the temptation to be jealous, proud, angry, etc? Or of Mona having the "ailment of feeling immortal, immune, or indispensable?" Or that the terrorism of gossip from Mona's mouth can kill someone's reputation."

Here's the humor I see: So while everyone, or most everyone, is deciding, or trying to decide which "religion" is the true one - do you suppose this God everyone says they serve - and whose Name they use to kill what they consider to be "impure" or "unworthy"  -  is reflected in Francis' words? Could it be that amidst all the chaos - this God is using Francis to say: "Hey, the above ideas and attitudes got you where you are now?" It all seems too humorous to me to be an accident.

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!! MONA

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