senior scribes

Whose Rights Count?
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!! How many of you readers remember Norman Rockwell and/or his paintings and pictures? Remember the ones he had on the Coca Cola memorabilia? You know - the ones where you were looking into the living room from the outside? The family is all snuggled up in front of a fire while the snow falls gently on the ground outside the window? Good!  Now that you have an image in your head - I'll continue.

Regarding the woman in Kentucky who refused to administer a marriage license to a gay couple: She went to jail, was released from said jail, went back to her job, and the media had a field day! Someone dredged up the fact that she had been married three times or maybe four. "What right does she have to judge" became the outcry. (When your position is threatened - always create doubt.). It snowballed into the Democrats that are seeking high public offices with their many divorces being added to the "roster."

What caused these divorces? No one really knows - could be cheating, lying, drunkenness, drugs, physical harm, mental abuse, etc. In the Rockwell scene - they could have all just had a huge spat prior to sitting down on the comfy sofa in front of the cheery fire. In real life - that is possible!

Now to the gays wanting the right to be married. All I hear is they want to be able to put their loved one on their insurance and they want to be able to use them as a tax deduction. And the following is true: Somewhere in this world, somewhere in the USA, and somewhere in Darke County:

A person is in a care facility dying of AIDS. Most of their time is spent on the toilet reading magazines and smoking cigarettes. A state will pay the medical bills in too many cases because the thinking was: "It won't happen to me" - I'll be careful." And they lived the glamorous life of partying and "casual sex." With no thought for retirement, health insurance, burial plots, etc. - AIDS caught up to them.

Now - what happens if you own the care facility (or own stock in it) and people take their loved ones out of the facility due to the AIDS and the older people's declining immune systems? What if you work there and find out "by accident" that you have been taking care of an AIDS patient? Should you have the right to know "up front" with whom you will be working and have close physical contact? What if you work there (for minimum wage - a lot of them do, by the way.) and have to clean up the messes. (Some Drs say AIDS is only transmitted through the blood or semen. I had a Dr tell me he believed it is transmittable through all of the bodily fluids to varying degrees...saliva, tears, urine, sweat, etc.) What about the parents? They have to face the AIDS - or will they call it another disease which will get recorded on a death certificate? What would you do? What would you tell your children that you adopted after you married your loved one? Would you have a funeral? Should the family have the right to say their "last good-byes?" What about friends - gay or straight? Should I - as an outsider to this whole conundrum - have to tell my child about the birds and the bees and then retell it when he/she sees a "bee with a bird?" Do we have the right not to have to see this publicly (I saw two young males leaning on the outside wall of a local store. They were groping and grabbing each other. When was the last time you saw a guy and gal do that? And had it been a guy and gal they would have been told to "get a room.")?  As you can see - this is not a black and white issue. Wouldn't it be easier for all concerned if we just lived by the laws? You know - gravity, math, science, and that for which our parts were originally designed?

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!! MONA

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